Explain how you might use reflective practice in your future career.
Importance and benefits of reflections to nursing.- What? The link between self awareness and professional self monitoring- the Why? Strategies to assist with developing reflective practice skills- The how | |||
Instruction: |
This assignment is 850 words total.But i need this till tomorrow midday. |
1803NRS Foundations of Professional Nursing Assessment (A1) Semester 1, 2016 Written Assignment: Reflective Essay Essay: 850 words Weighting: 20% Due Date: 16th March 2016 AIM: The primary aim of assignment 1 is to offer you an opportunity for early engagement with the assessment process and early feedback. Assignment 1 is based on a formative assessment process. Formative assessment has been found to support commencing students’ engagement and learning1 . This assignment is scheduled early in the semester so that you can receive early feedback to facilitate any further learning that may be required or to address any identified skill deficits. After completing this assignment you will understand the value of reflective practice in nursing. INSTRUCTIONS: In Module 2, topic 1 you examined: 1. The importance and benefits of reflection to nursing – the ‘What’ 2. The link between self-awareness and professional self-monitoring – the ‘Why’ 3. Strategies to assist with developing reflective practice skills – the ‘How’ It is important that you complete this topic so that you understand what reflective practice is. Please complete the following TASK: 1. Write a short essay in which you: a. Reflect on your reasons for choosing nursing as a career (identify and consider three experiences or factors leading to your decision to choose nursing – this may include skills and/or attributes that you have developed in your life so far that may have lead you to choose nursing). b. Describe why reflective practice is important for nurses (use scholarly evidence to support this). c. Explain how you might use reflective practice in your future career. (Use scholarly evidence to support this discussion). 1 Lizzio, A., & Wilson, K. (2013). First-year students’ appraisal of assessment tasks: implications for efficacy, engagement and performance. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 38(4). . 1803NRS Foundations of Professional Nursing Assessment (A1) Semester 1, 2016 You can use the pronoun “I” in reflective essays Other elements: Always refer to the School of Nursing & Midwifery Writing and Referencing Guide. Ensure that you use scholarly literature2 (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that has been published within the last 5 years. Follow the suggested essay structure and assigned word count as detailed in the marking criteria. You may use headings to organise your work if you wish. Refer to the marking criteria when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for this assignment. Cut and paste an Assignment Coversheet with a completed declaration to the first page of your essay. State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Assignment Coversheet. Submit your assignment online via Turnitin as per the instructions on your Learning@Griffith course site. [Submit in the ‘assessment’ tab]. MARKING CRITERIA 2 Scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles are written by scholars or professionals who are experts in their fields, as opposed to literature such as magazine articles, which reflect the tastes of the general public and are often meant as entertainment. CRITERIA POSSIBLE MARK Criteria 1: INTRODUCTION (approx. 100 words) Assignment has as an opening paragraph that sets the scene: o Introduces the topic (5 marks) o Clearly explains the aim/purpose of the essay (5 marks) /10 Criteria 2: Reflection (approx. 200 words) Has clearly described reasons for choosing nursing as a career o Identify and consider three experiences or factors leading to your decision to choose nursing – this may include skills and/or attributes that you have developed in your life so far that may have lead you to choose nursing or pragmatic reasons (5 marks /15 1803NRS Foundations of Professional Nursing Assessment (A1) Semester 1, 2016 for each experience or factor identified and considered). Criteria 3: Description (approx. 300 words) Has clearly described why reflective practice is important to nurses: o Briefly describe reflection (5 marks) o Describe reflective practice (10 marks) o Outline the benefits of reflective practice (10 marks) /25 Criteria 4: Future Practice (approx.150 words) Discuss how you might use reflective practice in your future nursing career (15 marks) /15 Criteria 5: Conclusion (approx. 100 words) Has a final paragraph that briefly sums up the key points made in the essay (5 marks) No new material introduced (2 marks) Shows clearly the answer to the aim of the essay (3 marks) /10 Criteria 6: PRESENTATION, STRUCTURE & REFERENCING Conforms to the School of Nursing & Midwifery Writing and Referencing Guide & referencing as per APA Style 6th Edition. (5 marks). Correct word count (850 words) (3 marks). Essay is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, and wellconstructed sentence and paragraph structure (5 marks). Separate page for reference list (2 marks). Scholarly literature has been used appropriately to support the essay (minimum 3 appropriate sources for entire essay) (10 marks). /25 1803NRS Foundations of Professional Nursing Assessment (A1) Semester 1, 2016 Total Marks Weighted at 20% /100