Explain the Importance of the Environment in Supporting Speech, Language and Communication Development.

4.1 Explain the importance of the environment in supporting speech, language and communication development. The importance of the environment in my setting, in supporting speech, language and communication development is immense. The physical environment we provide for children can contribute significantly to progress with their speech, language and communication. Likewise, a poor physical environment presents a barrier to a healthy speech, language and communication development. Environments that are boring or repetitive or unchallenging activities could result in minimal language use, similarly loud or chaotic environments are unhelpful for instance, if music or the radio is playing in the background, childrens ability to concentrate on what others are saying-and even to hear them-can be affected as we are not providing the correct support for interaction between adults and children as children are unable to concentrate or make themselves heard. We need to provide environments in and out of doors that encourage communication. One way that my setting does this is by having a welcoming atmosphere with approachable staff which helps to create an environment for effective communication. Many children in my setting have good visual skills; visual support can therefore be a very effective way of supporting and understanding, our educational environment we achieve this by; Making timetables visual by using pictures, symbols or photographs, for younger children, having a visual time line can be very effective. Labelling equipment and places for specific activities – using pictures, symbols, photographs or written labels. Having visual displays of topics or current activities. This can be used to reinforce information. We are careful not to use too much, though – for some children, vast displays on the wall can cause overload. We also adapt the environment in other ways, by: Considering the noise levels If the environment is too noisy, it can be…; 4.1 Explain the importance of the environment in supporting speech, language and communication development. The importance of the environment in my setting, in supporting speech, language and communication development is immense. The physical environment we provide for children can contribute significantly to progress with their speech, language and communication. Likewise, a poor physical environment presents a barrier to a healthy speech, language and communication development. Environments that are boring or repetitive or unchallenging activities could result in minimal language use, similarly loud or chaotic environments are unhelpful for instance, if music or the radio is playing in the background, childrens ability to concentrate on what others are saying-and even to hear them-can be affected as we are not providing the correct support for interaction between adults and children as children are unable to concentrate or make themselves heard. We need to provide environments in and out of doors that encourage communication. One way that my setting does this is by having a welcoming atmosphere with approachable staff which helps to create an environment for effective communication. Many children in my setting have good visual skills; visual support can therefore be a very effective way of supporting and understanding, our educational environment we achieve this by; Making timetables visual by using pictures, symbols or photographs, for younger children, having a visual time line can be very effective. Labelling equipment and places for specific activities – using pictures, symbols, photographs or written labels. Having visual displays of topics or current activities. This can be used to reinforce information. We are careful not to use too much, though – for some children, vast displays on the wall can cause overload. We also adapt the environment in other ways, by: Considering the noise levels If the environment is too noisy, it can be