Find a current newspaper or scholarly article or an industry newsletter where a health care organization or a provider was found guilty of malpractice, criminal negligence, false credentials, failure to treat, or patient abandonment.

  1. Which critical health care error does the article address?
  2. Draw from your readings and experience to date. Assess what factors lead up to the error for both the HCO and the professional. Touch on Duties, Scope of Practice (state boards), and standard of care.
  3. Provide specific details of the case as to which law and whether it was tried in criminal or civil court.
  4. Sort out the legal system violation from the penalty. What penalties did occur and what penalties may have occurred but were not written in the article.

Discuss with your colleagues: Peers are expected to demonstrate critical thinking in their questions related to the classmates’ descriptions. See Discussion Expectations and Grading for rules on discussions.