
Peer Review


Peer review is a skill with practical application. Both the writer and reviewer benefit. Peer review provides the writer with valuable constructive information to strengthen the work, while the reviewer often recognizes strengths and weaknesses in their own writing after reading and responding to a peer.


You were instructed in week 5 to submit a copy of your rough draft to this forum. If you have not done so, please submit a copy as an attachment in a new thread with your name as the subject.

You will also submit two peer reviews to your peers.


Choose two different peer rough drafts to evaluate – Choose drafts that have not been reviewed yet if available.

Use the peer review rubric to provide constructive feedback, incorporating specific, positive remarks as well as helpful suggestions so your peer can see you genuinely evaluated their rough draft. Peer Review Rubric

You will provide this feedback as an attachment back to the two peer’s rough draft posts.

I will provide 2 drafts to review from different peers.

Peer Review Rubric

Meets or Exceeds Established Assignment Criteria

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Points Awarded

An introduction with a clear thesis statement


Fill in

Provide feedback for your score in this category here. Why did you take points off or why did you provide full points? Include constructive (positive) comments and recommendations.

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Points Awarded

Project includes all required topics:

Community Organization, Community Partnerships, Cross-Cultural Challenges, Humanitarian Considerations, Volunteers, Roadblocks, Future Vision, Challenges, and Improvements


Fill in

Provide feedback for your score in this category here. Why did you take points off or why did you provide full points? Include constructive (positive) comments and recommendations.

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Points Awarded

Meets project presentation requirements:

Paper – 5-7 pages

Presentation – 8-10 minutes presentation including visual elements (graphics, pictures, etc.), 150-200 notes per slide, and recorded voice

Speech – 8-10 minutes and a written script of the narrative


Fill in

Provide feedback for your score in this category here. Why did you take points off or why did you provide full points? Include constructive (positive) comments and recommendations.

Clearly Presents Well-Reasoned Ideas and Concepts

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Points Awarded

Evidence supporting claims cited throughout the project


Fill in

Provide feedback for your score in this category here. Why did you take points off or why did you provide full points? Include constructive (positive) comments and recommendations.

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Points Awarded

Used a minimum of 10 reputable sources


Fill in

Provide feedback for your score in this category here. Why did you take points off or why did you provide full points? Include constructive (positive) comments and recommendations.

Quality of Project

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Points Awarded

Academic and professional tone and appearance


Fill in

Provide feedback for your score in this category here. Why did you take points off or why did you provide full points? Include constructive (positive) comments and recommendations.

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Points Awarded

Grammar and proofreading


Fill in

Provide feedback for your score in this category here. Why did you take points off or why did you provide full points? Include constructive (positive) comments and recommendations.


Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Points Awarded



Fill in

Provide an overall conclusion and impression of your peer’s paper. What did your peer do right? What could they improve? This should include recommendations and constructive comments to help your peer improve.