How family assessment differs from individual assessment?
it’s part of the essay Family Assessment (up to 400 words)Describe how family assessment differs from an individual assessment and why it isimportant to undertake a family assessment.2nd part off essay Family Assessment Tools (up to 600 words)Select one family assessment tool and identify the strengths and limitations of the chosentool. Illustrate the use of this tool by referring to one of the provided family case scenarios. the tools that can be used to perform a family assessment IN THIS SEGMENT PLEASE USE ONE OF TOOL FROM THIS LIST GENOGRAM , ECOMAP , CALGIRI IF POSSIBLE PLEASE USE GENOGRAM ASSESMENT TOOL FOR CASE STUDY WHICH I HAVE ATTACHED WITH ORDER Evidence Provide evidence for each task that is support your discussion with scholarly literature.Use at least three references from the Module One digitised readings.I HAVE ATTACHED THESE DIGITISED READINGS WITH THE ORDER Cite the literature appropriately within the text and the reference list. Present yourreferences with strict adherence to the APA 6thedition standards.TO BE VERY CLEAR THE TOOL WILL BE USED FOR ASSESSMENT OF PROVIDED CASE STUDY AND DISCUSS ABOUT CASE STUDY WHILE USING FAMILY ASSESMENT TOOL Support your paper with up to 10 appropriate references from scholarly literatureAND PLEASE PLEASE DONT USE FAMILY MAP ASSESSMENT TOLL THAT IS NOT IN MY ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA The Kuhn FamilyTamara Kuhn is a 15 year-old female, in year 10 at Parkway High School. She loves singing,dancing, and acting in school plays. She also enjoys playing school soccer and is a member ofthe girls? soccer team. Tamara gets good grades in school, but she has to work hard and put inlots of time to keep up with her schoolwork and activities. Her grades are above average in theA to B range.Tamara lives with her biological mother and step-father. Her biological father Martin, aged 43years, resides in Baker Hill as well, but he has not maintained a relationship with her since hedivorced her mother in 2006. Martin has remarried Simone, who is 33 years old. They do nothave any children. Tamara also has a brother, George who lives interstate and Tamara has norelationship or contact with him either. George, who is 21 years old, is gay and lives with hispartner, Jeremy, aged 28. His parents do not speak to him.Tamara comes from an upper middle class family. Her stepfather, Stephen aged 48 years, is ahigh school graduate and owns his own construction business. Her mother, Brenda aged 43years is a homemaker and left school after year 11. Tamara and her family live in SouthernGardens, a small subdivision in Baker Hill. The family, for the most part, keeps to themselvesand do not have any close, personal associations with others. The few associates they have arebusiness colleagues and people from their church group.Stephen is relatively healthy, he is approximately 185cms (6 feet) tall, has dark brown hair,brown eyes, and weighs around 91kg (200 pounds). He has no known physical illness. Hisfather Christopher dies two years ago when he was 70 years old, from lung cancer. Stephen?smother, Elizabeth, aged 71 years, has dementia and now resides in a nursing home. Stephendoes not like to visit her, as she no longer recognizes him.Tamara?s mother Brenda is 163cm (5 feet 4 inches) tall, has blonde hair, brown eyes andnoticeable symptoms of depression. She also has a significant drinking problem, which hasbeen evident for about five years now. Brenda?s parents Jozica aged 72 years and Reinhardaged 76 years are both still alive and living independently. Brenda tries to visit them everyfortnight but this has been putting some strain on her relationship with Stephen, as he does notget along well with them.Most of the family’s interest revolves around Tamara?s athletic activities such as baseball andchurch related activities such as Sunday services and youth centered groups. The family attendsa full gospel, non-denominational church on a regular basis. The family is of German descentand likes to keep to themselves. They rarely see anyone on a personal basis and have no closepersonal friends. Tamara?s recreational habits consist of playing softball and basketball andattending youth oriented activities at church such as youth camp and bible studies.Tamara is approximately 165cms (65 inches) tall, has long dark brown hair, brown eyes andweighs 56.5 kilograms (125 pounds). She is very athletic and is routinely involved in soccer andbasketball. During the school year, she also plays basketball for her church basketball team.She diligently attends every practice and never misses a game in either sport. Although her localdoctor states that she is in good general health, Tamara often complains of needing to stay hercurrent weight.Tamara usually goes to the library to study during the lunch break instead of the cafeteria to eatlunch.