I had to deal with my cousin passing away from cancer at a very young age of 42. She did not speak English and there were never any translators used when she went to her county hospital appointments.

I had to deal with my cousin passing away from cancer at a very young age of 42. She did not speak English and there were never any translators used when she went to her county hospital appointments. A pap smear was done which indicated she had cancer but was not told this in Spanish but instead assumed she understood what was being told to her. No follow up appointment was scheduled so she assumed everything was well. A year later she became very sick and went back to the county hospital and was told they had informed her of the cancer a year prior and she needed to make an appointment with a oncologist (all of which she did not understand) . She did see an oncologist right after this occurrence but by this time the cancer was spreading and very little could be done for her. She did receive chemo treatment for about 6 months then passed away shortly after. I was very upset because I am a nurse and if there is ever a need for a translator we get one to make sure the patients fully understand their diagnoses and if any questions they may have they will be answered. I dont know what happened in my cousins case but instead of putting her through chemo for her cancer that was not curable I I would have liked her to go back to Mexico and spend whatever time she had left to be with her parents who she had not seen for 10+ years since arriving in the US. She was only able to spend less than a week after arriving to Mexico with her parents because she quickly passed aware. I would like my essay paper to reflect the importance of having Spanish interpreters provided to patients so other patients wont have the same outcomes like my cousin did.
Aurora University
School of Nursing
NUR 4780 Ethics Culture Policy in Health Care
Assignment Guidelines: Ethics Case Analysis
Purpose: To demonstrate your ability to recognize interpersonal communication spiritual and ethical aspects of medical care and write a well-reasoned description and commentary. In addition the paper provides an opportunity for you to develop your own ability to think about such issues articulate your own independent thinking and express your reactions and feelings about theses dimensions of care regarding a situation involving one of your own patients.
Case Analysis The case is to be analyzed following the framework provided below called Instructions for Preparing Ethics Case Presentations. The instructions provide six sections that you should complete 1) Narrative of the case 2) Language and Issues of the Case 3) Perspectives and Key Points of View 4) Facilitating Resolution 5) What Actually Happened and 6) Commentary. In order to provide this information the body of the paper is expected to be a minimum of five (5) pages in length and follow APA format. Rarely in this type of paper are references necessary however if you consult standard works or use sources to determine or support if your position falls within the range of solutions typically considered ethically acceptable by current practice standards it is expected you would site your sources.
Instructions for Preparing the Ethics Case Analysis
Select a Case: Identify a case from your experience that contains an ethical issue. What constitutes an ethics case or issue? Students often select cases in which there is a conflict of opinion regarding the best course of action or treatment to pursue. Such conflicts can arise between nurse and patients among members of the health-care team between nurses and family members between patients and family members and among family members. Conflicts of this type can often be analyzed by focusing on the competing values of each party (e.g. extending life versus minimizing suffering). Presentations of cases involving conflicts can lead to discussions of such ethical issues as autonomy competence (decision-making capacity) informed consent paternalism and the rights and responsibilities of physicians patients and family members. Cases can be presented which do not involve any interpersonal conflicts. Students may wish to present a case because they believe that a decision was incompatible with an important ethical norm value or principle. For example decision makers who seek to promote a patients best interests (as perceived by the physician/nurse and family) may neglect the patients right to information regarding the diagnosis prognosis and treatment alternatives. Thus even though a physician and a patients family may agree that the patient will not be told that she has cancer the decision to withhold information may merit ethical examination. Almost any case contains ethical issues because the norms of the doctor/nurse-patient relationship are ideally based on ethical principles and motivations. To identify ethical issues students can select a case and observe how the physician-patient relationship is conducted. Particular attention can be given to how the primary case staff interact with the patient what and how information is conveyed how and by whom treatment decisions are made and how the patients decision-making capacity is assessed. If a surrogate decision maker is involved students might consider the following questions: How and by whom was it decided that the patient lacked decision-making capacity? How was the surrogate selected? Was sufficient information given to the surrogate? Was sufficient consideration given to the patients values and best interests in the decision-making process?
What information should I present?
There should be six sections covered in your case presentation:
1. The Narrative of the Case: The student should attempt to present all relevant medical and social facts about the patient. Ethically sound decision-making is based on good medical care and a good factual basis regarding patient care. At all times maintaining confidentiality buy using a fictitious name or initials. (10 points).