Identify various contributions and roles the nurse holds in healthcareCompare and contrast select healthcare policiesExamine ethical issues and decisions faced in healthcareEvaluate various global healthcare delivery systemsProgram Level Student Learning OutcomesConclusionProgram Level Student Learning OutcomesIntegrate theory, evidence, clinical judgment, research, and inter professional perspectives using translational processes to improve practice and associated health outcomes for patient aggregates.


Course PaperWrite and Submit a well-constructed and supported paper (maximum 9 pages and minimum 7 pages excluding references and presentation, with no less than 7 references) with (9) sections based on the selected problem identified in the “Problem Statement Assignment.” Five of the sections will address how this course and their discussion meets the Program Level Student Learning Outcomes. The paper shall utilize the following headings:IntroductionProblemReview of the Literature (use the following table depending of how many articles you review and summarize them, remember to use the articles used in the problem statement plus the new you will review)Identify various contributions and roles the nurse holds in healthcareCompare and contrast select healthcare policiesExamine ethical issues and decisions faced in healthcareEvaluate various global healthcare delivery systemsProgram Level Student Learning OutcomesConclusionProgram Level Student Learning OutcomesIntegrate theory, evidence, clinical judgment, research, and inter professional perspectives using translational processes to improve practice and associated health outcomes for patient aggregates.Advocate for the ethical conduct of research and translational scholarship (with particular attention to the protection of the patient as a research participant).Articulate to a variety of audiences the evidence base for practice decisions, including the credibility of sources of information and the relevance to the practice problem confronted. (Outcome selected)Participate, leading when appropriate, in collaborative teams to improve care outcomes and support policy changes through knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination, and planning and evaluating knowledge implementation.Apply practice guidelines to improve practice and the care environment.Perform rigorous critique of evidence derived from databases to generate meaningful evidence for nursing practice.Problem Statement.The American Diabetes Association show that 29.1 millions of Americans had diabetes in 2012, 95% of them (27.8 million) were diagnosed with diabetes Type 2 (American Diabetes Association, 2016). In United Stated studies reveal that diabetes has the highest prevalence in vulnerable patients including women, elderly patients, Latin and African-American population, the less educated, and individuals and families with incomes below the poverty level.Problem.Do disparities between different groups in the community affect the management of type 2 diabetes? For the purpose of this assignment I choose the Student Learning Outcome number # 3, because we will examine how differences among communities could lead to breaches in the management of type 2 diabetes. To approach our problem, we consider the evidence base in the review articles, including the credibility of sources of information and the relevance of the information from the research applicable to the practice of the management of type 2 diabetes.Discussion.According to Susan DeNisco in a study performed in 2010 (DeNisco, 2011), United States experience tremendous disparities between low-income groups in a healthcare field, and specifically in the management of type 2 diabetes. One of the most shocking is the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) occur in African American, Latin population and women. The adequate management and prevention of T2DM are attached to the development of educational programs in the community, for the prevention and attachment to the treatment.Diabetes, as a chronic disease, implies daily basis adherence that includes a rigorous diet, physical activity, medication, and self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG). Due to the complexity of the regimen, treatment adherence may be influenced by several factors, including low income, lack of educational resources and unhealthy food habits.As per 2015 census, the 10.4% of American do not have medical insurance because they still cannot pay the current price for healthcare insurance. The lack of health insurance as well contributes to the access to health systems, leading to a late diagnosis of illness or poor attachment to treatment.The health disparities among populations, arousal a discussion on how this differences will affect the access to health care systems and education. The ethical dilemma arises when all American do not have the same access to medical care, educational programs, and health insurances; creating a difference between communities. of the problem.According to Lee, Liang, & Shi (2016), disparities in primary care quality among Americans with type 2 diabetes is not only related to insurance differences, but to socioeconomic stratifications. Evidence suggests that access to time to primary care, and adherence to medical treatment for diabetes, can reduce the risk of health complications, improving long-term health outcomes for diabetes patients (Lee, Liang, & Shi, 2016).Problem and Course Student Outcome.The Student Learning Outcome number # 3 gave us the opportunity to discuss, using the articles how management of type 2 diabetes could be affected by social-economics factors and community resources. Reviewing the data in the research documents we could determine the veracity based on the evidence and the information presented.ConclusionReduction of prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes become a necessity for the healthcare system. The collaboration between the healthcare organizations and civil society groups is the key to achieving this goal. Reductions of poverty levels in our society are not only good from a social justice perspective, but an excellent point for the population health. Nurses play a significant role in the management of patient health, understanding how to be part of the solution to achieve better patient outcomes.ReferencesChaufan, C., Davis, M., & Constantino, S. (2011, May). The Twin Epidemics of Poverty and Diabetes: Understanding Diabetes Disparities in a Low-Income Latino and Immigrant Neighborhood. Journal of Community Health, 36(2), 1032-1043.Costa, V., Pereira, G., & Pedras, S. (2012, November). Partner support, social-cognitive variables and their role in adherence to self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes. European Diabetes Nursing, 9(3), 81-86.DeNisco, S. (2011, July). Exploring the relationship between resilience and diabetes outcomes in African Americans. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 23(11), 602-610.Lee, D., Liang, H., & Shi, L. (2016, May). Insurance-related disparities in primary care quality among U.S. Type 2 diabetes patients. International Journal for Equity in Health, 15(124), 1-9.Statistics About Diabetes Overall Numbers, Diabetes and Prediabetes. (2016, April 1). American Diabetes Association. Retrieved from, A., Williams, J. S., & Egede, L. E. (2016). The Association between Food Insecurity, Glycemic Control, SelfCare, and Quality of Life in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 9(1), 32-33.