• In Texas, on his annual renewal form, an RN stated that he got a second DWI 9 months ago. What do you tell him will be the most likely decision as to his license? If you are not in the state of Texas, how would this license renewal situation be handled?
  • An RN with a current New York license has moved to Texas and has applied for a Texas license. On the application, she wrote that she was convicted of Medicaid fraud ($5,230.00) four years ago and will be off of probation in six months. What do you tell her will be the most likely decision as to a Texas license?
  • Provide references to your discussion

The BON has become stricter over the past several years concerning criminal convictions and a person’s ability to practice as an RN in Texas. Consult the Board’s “Disciplinary Guidelines for Criminal Conduct,” and consider the above scenarios. In each case, suppose you are an investigator with the Board.