Introduction to Physical Fitness and Wellness

DCCCD Catalog Description: PHED 1164: Lifetime Fitness & Wellness I (3 lab)
This course will provide an overview of the lifestyle necessary for fitness and health. Students will participate in physical activities and assess their fitness status. Students will be introduced to proper nutrition, weight management, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and strength training.
Either of the following must be met:
• Developmental Reading 0093 or English as a Second Language ( ESOL) 0044
• Have met the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standard in Reading
Required Text:
Hoeger, W.K. and Hoeger, S.A. (2013). Fitness and Wellness (10th ed.). Cengage Learning: Stamford, CT.
ISBN: 978-1-111-98998-9
Instructional Methods:
• Physical fitness assessments
• Physical activity and exercise
• Audiovisual aids including power point and videos
• Lab activities
• Critical problem solving through individual and group discussion
• Workout logs and diet analysis
• Guided instruction in self-reflection and self-assessment
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
1. Describe how the components of physical fitness impact health and wellness.
2. Explain the influence of personal behaviors and personal responsibilities on the development, treatment, and
prevention of hypokinetic diseases, infectious diseases, stress, and addiction.
3. Analyze the relationship between physical activity, inactivity, and nutrition on weight and body composition.
4. Plan, implement, and evaluate a personal fitness program.
5. Develop an appreciation and positive attitude for a healthy lifestyle and the effects of global trends on physical
Course Requirements and Grading:
Grades are based on the following:
1. Course Orientation Activities = 30 pts
a. Health History Form
b. Class Introductions on discussion board
2. Fitness Testing Worksheet = 25 pts
3. Quizzes: 5 @ 30 pts = 150 pts
4. Discussions: 4 @ 30 pts = 120 pts
a. You must respond to the discussion questions AND reply to at least one other student to receive credit
5. Social Responsibility Article Review = 50 pts
6. Diet Analysis Assignment = 100 pts
7. Workout Log = 25 pts
Grading Point Scale (500 pts):
Grades are based on the total points earned with the following scale:
450 – 500 = A 449 – 400 = B 399 – 350 = C 349 – 300 = D below 299 = F
Assignment due dates:
• All 8 modules are broken into increments that run from Monday to Monday.
• Modules, assignments, and quizzes will be available to view on the first Monday of the module by 8 am.
• Most assignments will be due on the last Monday of the module at 8:00 am. Remember to always check the due
date that is posted on the assignments.
Additional Online Course Requirements:
• No late work will be accepted for any reason. This includes: computer problems, illness, court summonses, etc.
However, I do work with any student who communicates with me ahead of time when a conflict is anticipated.
Do not procrastinate and can avoid this problem.
• Students are required to complete an online health history questionnaire during the course orientation.
• Attendance will be taken by completion of module assignments. Students are required to check the course
announcements on a weekly basis.
• There will be at least one assignment due for every module to correspond with the lessons.
• All assignments must be neatly prepared and representative of college level coursework.
• I do not grade assignments or reply to emails that are written in text message language. Example: “yo teach…i
proly wont c u @ ur office hrs”
• Students will need a basic level of computer proficiency to complete the assignments for this course.
Academic Honesty:
Academic integrity is a critical part of the learning environment. Academic dishonesty of any form will not be tolerated
in this course. If you are caught cheating on any assignment, your grade for that assignment will be a zero. Be aware that
there are several types of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
1. Plagiarism: taking credit for some else’s work.
2. Cheating: copying another’s answers; sharing a test with another student, which includes buying, selling,
stealing, ect; substituting for another student while taking an exam or allowing another student to
substitute for you; using materials to complete work that were not authorized by the instructor.
3. Collusion: unauthorized collaboration with one or more other students on an assignment or assessment.
Minimum Computer Requirements to Access All Features:
• High speed cable or DLS connection to the Internet
• Dial-up connection is not recommended
• Operating System: Windows XP or Vista
• Browser: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (other Browsers or newer versions may not work
• Audio speakers or headphones
• Video display properties set to at least 800×600, High Color (32 bit) is recommended
• Pentium II 300 MHz or greater is preferred
Basic Computer Skills:
To be successful in this course you should be able to execute the following BASIC computer skills:
• Use a mouse to select and highlight menu commands and tools
• Open, close, and re-size windows
• Use scroll bars and otherwise navigate in a Windows environment as well as on the Internet
• Send and receive e-mail
• Attach and retrieve files (such as Word, WordPerfect, text files, or rich text format files)
• Copy and paste documents into an e-mail or other electronic document
If you do not possess the above computer skills (or if you cannot work independently), you should be in a traditional
fitness course. Please request a Lateral Transfer into a traditional section BEFORE the 2nd week of class.
Brookhaven College Syllabus Addendum