Joint Commission-accredited long term care facilities outperform non-accredited facilities
The Midterm Essay is an applied case study scenario where you are the executive director of a long-term care facility that has that has decided to pursue Joint Commission accreditation. In the Midterm case study scenario, you will draw on, apply, and cite the first seven chapters of the course textbook to write an Action Plan for preparing the long-term care facility for the accreditation site visit. The length of the Action Plan should be approximately 2,400 words (excluding the list of cited references at the end). You will also apply and cite at least five additional references above and beyond the textbook.
You are the executive director of a long-term care facility that has decided to pursue Joint Commission accreditation. Your decision to become a Joint Commission-accredited long term care facility was finalized when you read the attached document titled, “Three More Reasons to Consider Joint Commission Accreditation.” The following excerpt from this document was especially influential:
“Joint Commission-accredited long term care facilities outperform non-accredited facilities in a number of key areas:
Better quality of care outcomes,
Fewer overall deficiency citations, and
Improved resident safety culture” (Joint Commission, 2013).
You also forwarded “Facts About Long Term Care Accreditation” to your director of nursing with the following sections highlighted:
“Benefits of Accreditation
Long term care organizations seek Joint Commission accreditation as a means to improve organization performance, as well as to demonstrate their commitment to quality and safety to external stakeholders. Current research shows that long term care accreditation is a risk reduction activity that reduces the likelihood of negative patient or resident outcomes and incrementally improves an organization’s performance. In addition, accreditation enhances community confidence, supports staff recruitment and education, and provides a structure for organizing business and care processes. Accreditation also allows providers to differentiate themselves in a market of more than 15,000 nursing facilities in the United States” (Joint Commission, 2012).
“Survey Process
To earn and maintain accreditation, a long term care organization must undergo an on-site survey by a Joint Commission surveyor(s)… The survey process evaluates actual care processes by tracing patients and residents through the care, treatment and services they receive and also analyzes key operational systems that directly affect the quality and safety of patient or resident care” (Joint Commission, 2012).
For the HCM 550 Midterm Exam, draw on, apply, and cite the first seven chapters of the course textbook to write an Action Plan for preparing the long-term care facility for the accreditation site visit:
Chapter 1: The Management Challenge of Delivering Value in Health Care: Global and U.S. Perspectives
Chapter 2: Leadership and Management: A Framework for Action
Chapter 3: Organization Design and Coordination
Chapter 4: Motivating People
Chapter 5: Teams and Team Effectiveness in Health Services Organizations
Chapter 6: Communication
Chapter 7: Power, Politics, and Conflict Management
In writing the Action Plan, be action-oriented, in charge, and convey management judgment, confidence, leadership, and passion. The length of the Action Plan should be approximately 2,400 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually authored words (excluding the list of cited references at the end). Also, apply and cite at least five additional references above and beyond the textbook. Format the Action Plan using double-spaced writing in 12-point font.
Please upload your assignment to the Dropbox named Midterm Exam no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 4.
Burns, L. R., Bradley, E. H., & Weiner, B. J. (2012). Shortell and Kaluzny’s Health Care Management: Organization Design and Behavior (6th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Joint Commission. (2012). Facts About Long Term Care Accreditation. Retrieved from
Joint Commission. (2013). Three More Reasons to Consider Joint Commission Accreditation. Retrieved from
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