Assignment Details

You will select 1 of the 5 topics for your Discussion Board (DB). Please read the instructions for the DB assignments carefully because they are different from your other classes in which you have had DBs.

Selecting 1 of the 5 topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum main topic posting. Your initial posting should be analytical, persuasive, or reflective in nature. Keep in mind that you will be choosing a different topic for your Individual Project (IP). Please add your references to the main topic posting (required). You are encouraged to do research on the topic from other resources. Each classmate’s response should be a minimum of 100 words per response. Your option is to respond to postings that concern your main topic selection, or you may respond to postings from classmates that have to do with one of the other two topics.

The following topics come from the reading assignments for this week and are all located in the AIU online Library:

Topic 1: Exploring How Administrative Police Culture, Relational Police Culture, Threat to Job Security and Public Stigma Impact Law Enforcement Officers’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Seeking Mental Health Services and Create Barriers

Coyt, H. M. (2020). Exploring how administrative police culture, relational police culture, threat to job security and public stigma impact law enforcement officers’ attitudes and perceptions of seeking mental health services and create barriers.

Topic 2: Suicide Exposure in Law Enforcement Officers

Cerel, J., Jones, B., Brown, M., Weisenhorn, D. A., & Patel, K. (2019). Suicide exposure in law enforcement officers. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 49(5), 1281–1289.

Topic 3: Investigating Barriers to Mental Health Care in Law Enforcement Officers

Johnson, S. F. (2016). Investigating barriers to mental health care in law enforcement officers [Dissertation, East Tennessee State University].

Topic 4: Stigmatizing Attitudes Toward Police Officers Seeking Psychological Services

Wheeler, C., Fisher, A., Jamiel, A., Lynn, T. J., & Hill, W. T. (2018). Stigmatizing attitudes toward police officers seeking psychological services. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 36, 1–7.

Topic 5: Improving Police Interventions During Mental Health-Related Encounters: Past, Present and Future

Wood, J. D., & Watson, A. C. (2017). Improving police interventions during mental health-related encounters: Past, present and future. Policing and Society, 27, 289–299.