Microsystems and macrosystems work hand-in-hand in health care. At the smaller level, professionals in public health are able to target specific needs by developing and implementing interventions to address those needs. On a larger scale, those needs can be looked at in a more broad perspective to determine how they affect the community. Microfactors may include things such as resource utilization and quality of care. Medical supplies, human resources, and technology all have a great impact on public health. Macrofactors may be social context and neighborhood environment. The support systems and community connections that a population has are huge determinants of health. Additionally, housing, neighborhood safety, and physical environment also play a role in the overall health of a community. Understanding how each factor contributes will help with the implementation of strategies that will be effective in improving the health of the community.


Sollecito, W. A., & Johnson, J. K. (2017). McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s continuous quality improvement in health care. https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB06794826

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