Minimum of 2 pages but no more than 4 pages excluding the title and reference pages.
Written Assignment: Critique an article related to a Legal Issue or Healthcare Issue/Policy ( Hand hygiene or Patient identifier).
Select an article of interest from a nursing journal or a multidisciplinary healthcare journal. The article should focus on a legal or healthcare issue/policy that has implications to nursing such as nursing staffing, mandatory overtime, Joint Commissions National Patient Safety Goals, mandatory reporting of health-care associated infections, etc. Ensure to find an article that contains adequate information for you to complete the assignment. The resource article must be written in the past 5 years and no older. It should be APA format.
The following APA Guidelines are to be used for your written assignment:
1. Use standard size 8 1/5 x 11 paper; white, clean, and print dark enough to read easily.
2. Must be type-written. All lines are double-spaced throughout the entire document.
3. Use black, 12-point Times New Roman font throughout the document.
All criteria below must be addressed. Zero credit will be given if any of the following requirements are not met: a) the article is within 5 years, b) retrieved from a nursing journal or multidisciplinary healthcare journal authored by a RN or with a RN included in the authorship list, c) no act of plagiarism,
Length of paper 2-4 pages (excluding title and reference pages), type-written, double-spaced, correct grammar & spelling (5%)
Adherence to APA including correct format for: (15%)
o Title page, headers, headings, in-text citations, quotations, margins, and reference list
Content of Work Submitted
Introduction: Brief description of what the article is about (20%)
Body: Key points of the article and implications (40%)
o Discussion of key points of the article.
o Address the implications of this article to the nursing profession/practice, client, healthcare system, and the community (if applicable).
Conclusion: Summarize your findings (10%)
Recommendation: State whether you would recommend this article to other students. Give a rationale as to why or why not
Please use any of these resources. Use only one source . No abstract needed in introduction.
? PubMed
? Google Scholar
? Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth
Edition, 2010
? APA information
? Purdue OWL: APA Formatting and Style Guide
Select an article of interest from a nursing journal or a multidisciplinary healthcare journal. The article should focus on a legal or healthcare issue/policy that has implications to nursing such as nursing staffing, mandatory overtime, Joint Commissions National Patient Safety Goals, mandatory reporting of health-care associated infections, etc. Ensure to find an article that contains adequate information for you to complete the assignment. The resource article must be written in the past 5 years and no older. It should be APA format.
The following APA Guidelines are to be used for your written assignment:
1. Use standard size 8 1/5 x 11 paper; white, clean, and print dark enough to read easily.
2. Must be type-written. All lines are double-spaced throughout the entire document.
3. Use black, 12-point Times New Roman font throughout the document.
All criteria below must be addressed. Zero credit will be given if any of the following requirements are not met: a) the article is within 5 years, b) retrieved from a nursing journal or multidisciplinary healthcare journal authored by a RN or with a RN included in the authorship list, c) no act of plagiarism,
Length of paper 2-4 pages (excluding title and reference pages), type-written, double-spaced, correct grammar & spelling (5%)
Adherence to APA including correct format for: (15%)
o Title page, headers, headings, in-text citations, quotations, margins, and reference list
Content of Work Submitted
Introduction: Brief description of what the article is about (20%)
Body: Key points of the article and implications (40%)
o Discussion of key points of the article.
o Address the implications of this article to the nursing profession/practice, client, healthcare system, and the community (if applicable).
Conclusion: Summarize your findings (10%)
Recommendation: State whether you would recommend this article to other students. Give a rationale as to why or why not
Please use any of these resources. Use only one source . No abstract needed in introduction.
? PubMed
? Google Scholar
? Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth
Edition, 2010