Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview

Market Yourself by Sharing Your Story 

As you move closer to earning a Trident MBA, there will be more opportunities to tell your story and motivate the next generation. Video and in-person speaking engagements are a natural part of career progression.

Session Long Project 4 ResourcesJason and Jacqueline Hauck – Trident AlumniDonna Brock – Trident University AlumnaRomualdo Humarang – Trident AlumnusMaurice Owens- AlumnusDr. Kerri Wood- Trident AlumnaStephen Johnson – Trident StudentDaena Pressler – Trident StudentRandolph Koram – Alumnus

Case Assignment

What is Your Story?

Your MBA journey is coming to an end. You’ve learned about business disciplines and developed skills that will serve you now and in the future. It is time to present yourself as a role model for tomorrow’s leaders. Be compelling.


·        Write a 250- to 350-word document sharing your professional story. First, let us know what you do for a living and where you work(ed). Include a brief discussion of how your Trident education will help you achieve career goals. 

o    IDEAS: Is there something about you that is unique? Did you overcome obstacles? Will you be the first to earn a graduate degree in your family? Talk about why you started grad school; perhaps you can inspire someone else.


·        Briefly introduce yourself and share your story. You can talk about the same content that is written but don’t read it. Impromptu speaking has a different impact than reading from a screen or piece of paper. What you say can be the impetus for another person making a positive change in their life.

Assignment Expectations


Use the MGT599 Case4 template to submit your work, which MUST contain a YouTube, Vimeo, or other video link to your presentation (should be 3-3½ minutes maximum). Content beyond 3½ minutes will not be considered for grading. Do not upload the video to the dropbox since the file size may be too large.

Module 4 – SLP


Assignment Overview

MBA Personal Reflections

This is the final course of your MBA program. We often don’t realize how far we have progressed since the moment we stepped into our first graduate class. 

SLP Assignment

Taking Inventory of Your Development

The final SLP is a personal essay which requires no research.  For each of the 8 core courses, consider the following:

·        Share what you believe is the most important professional experience you took away from the class.

·        Describe how you applied a course lesson in your professional or personal life.

·        Is there a topic from the subject that you would like to study in more depth after graduation? Explain why. 

Each course reflection should be about ½ page. 

Program Core Courses 

·        ETH 501 Business Ethics

·        MGT 501 Management and Organizational Behavior

·        BUS 520 Business Analytics and Decision Making

·        BUS 530 Managerial Economics

·        ACC 501 Accounting for Decision Making

·        FIN 501 Strategic Corporate Finance

·        MKT 501 Strategic Marketing

·        MGT 599 Strategic Management

Assignment Expectations

Use the attached template (MGT599 SLP4) to create your submission.