Para 5: Outline the health education you as a nurse will provide the interviewee
which will help them to achieve their first SMART goal, and therefore address
their first priority. Provide a detailed education plan that incorporates a health
behaviour theory and contains specific information about the exact education
NRSG372: Chronic Illness and Disability
NRSG372 Assessment 2: Written Assignment – © Australian Catholic University 2024 Page 3 of 4
you will provide (e.g., What exactly will you say to the interviewee?
How/where/why it will be conducted? What equipment will be required? What
legal and ethical matters will you need to consider? How will the education be
evaluated?). The content of the education plan will need to be specific, detailed,
and relevant to the person you are interviewing. It will need to contain more than
generalised statements such as “provide brochures” or “educate them about
their medication” or “direct them to a website” or “refer them to a
physiotherapist”. For a male diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.