Pete was enjoying his junior year at Big State University until his room mate came down with a flulike upper respiratory infection. Sure enough, Pete started getting achey and feverish, and got pretty congested. He was not worried however, until he realized how stiff his neck was and that he had the worst headache he had ever felt.
Choose one of the three cases below and complete the assignment by following the guidelines.
Write a single spaced, 2 paged, typed, well constructed (complete sentences, proper grammar) report on 1 scenario (3 points).
Devote at least one paragraph to answering each of the 6 questions. (8 points each)
Include a reference section with at least 3 citations. Use resources such as microbiology text books, encyclopedias, HCC Library databases (e.g. Pro Quest Biology, Pro Quest Nursing) journals and online medical sites to research these questions. Indicate the source of information you found in APA format. If you need help with APA format, go to for help or select APA samples on the lower right hand corner for examples. You may also try other APA citation cite such as or other. Be sure to include the publication date. Citations within your paper also need to be APA format. (9 points)
All references must be cited, and direct quotes from the references must be indicated as such, using quotation marks. In the case of plagiarism, all students involved will receive a 0 on this assignment. Thereafter, plagiarism will be handled according to the Colleges Academic Honesty Policy, with possible failure of the course and suspension from the College.
I. A 42 year old woman visited her doctor complaining of pain and swelling in her shoulder, elbow and knee. Several areas of non-itching rash were also evident on the patients torso. The woman was a wild life biologist and was consulting the doctor because the pain was interfering with her job tracking Eastern Box Turtles in deciduous forests in the Baltimore area. Approximately two months earlier, the patient had developed a large (12 inch) bulls eye rash on her ankle, and had experienced fever, chills, muscle aches and other flulike symptoms which eased after approximately 5 days. Blood was drawn and tested positive for spirochetal antibodies.
1. What is your diagnosis?
2. What microorganism causes this disease?
3. How is this disease transmitted?
4. How is the disease treated?
5. What symptoms might the patient develop if the disease is not treated?
6. What is her prognosis with treatment?
II. In 2007 Carl was serving as a medic in the Kirkuk Provence of Iraq and as part of his duties he ran a clinic for the nearby towns. The war had caused severe damage to the areas municipal water supply and sanitation facilities. Late summer of that year, a young man came to the clinic, very dehydrated with uncontrollable diarrhea producing almost a liter of rice water stool per hour. Within the next week, 13 more people showed up at the clinic with the same symptoms. Although the patients were members of 5 different families, they all lived in the same part of the village, and all got their water from the same hand-dug well. Stool cultures showed curved, Gram negative rods.
1. What microorganism causes this disease?
2. What is your diagnosis?
3. How is this disease transmitted?
4. How is the disease treated?
5. What symptoms might the patient develop if the disease is not treated?
6. What is the prognosis with treatment?
III. Pete was enjoying his junior year at Big State University until his room mate came down with a flulike upper respiratory infection. Sure enough, Pete started getting achey and feverish, and got pretty congested. He was not worried however, until he realized how stiff his neck was and that he had the worst headache he had ever felt. He noticed that he was developing a bright red rash, and some of the spots were turning blue-black. He went to the infirmary where they got very concerned and did a lumbar puncture to get a sample of Petes cerebrospinal fluid. Gram negative diplococci were observed in the fluid.
1. What is your diagnosis?
2. What microorganism causes this disease?
3. How is this disease transmitted?
4. How is the disease treated?
5. What symptoms might the patient develop if the disease is not treated?
6. What is Petes prognosis with treatment?