Phlebitis: Localized _________________ of the vein
Manifestations: redness, warmth, swelling, discomfort
_______________ along the cannulated vein
Treatment: ____________ infusion immediately and
____________ cannula
Any new catheter will need to be placed proximal to
discontinued site or in the other extremity
To prevent: use correct ___________ catheter for vein, use aseptic
technique, cover site with clear dressing, secure catheter,
change dressing if wet
Infiltration: occurs when IV catheter slips out of ___________
Manifestations: Pallor, _______________, pain at the IV site
Treatment: __________ infusion immediately and ___________ cannula from vein
_____________ extremity, apply warm, moist or cold compress
Extravasation: Occurs when IV catheter slips out of vein and _______________ fluid leaks into tissues
Manifestations: blistering, tissue _______________, ulceration
Treatment: ____________ IV immediately, elevate extremity, may leave peripheral IV catheter in place to administer ______________ medication