Please respond to questions 1,2,3, and 4 by your opinion and or a probing question regarding the topics. Each questions should be at least 68 words.
#1: In reply to your response, when you said, In your example, an unforeseen consequence has been that some providers refuse to take ACA plans, This is not what I said. When you said, One of the fundamental keys in this discussion is to show how current programs and policies are inadequate to cover the need you have observed, this was not stated in the assignment so, therefore, how am I supposed to know this? How would you prefer me to address this in this and future discussions? What you are addressing in your response to my discussion is not what I read in this assignment.
The article you suggested to me starts out with, Between 1996 and 2009 the annual number of emergency department (ED) visits in the United States increased by 51 percent while the number of EDs nationwide decreased by 6 percent, which placed unprecedented strain on the nations EDs (Liu & T.S., 2014), how can the United States be increased while the Nation is decreased. Arent the United States and the Nation the same thing?
Im not trying to be condescending or facetious but Im trying to obtain an honest understanding of your expectations.
Liu, C., &, T. S. (2014, August 01). Charles Liu. Retrieved July 20, 2017, from
#2: What is the premise of healthcare policies? (consider the following: past/current policies that impact provider-insurer shift)
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was signed on March 23, 2010.the ACA has four goals. ACA is for every time meaning no one can be denies healthcare coverage on the marketplace for any health related reasons and this coverage will stay no matter what. In 2012 2.7 trillion dollars was spent on healthcare. Hospitals will have to provide efficient and overall better treatment to their patients. The focus is that money will be monitored and distributed to Medicare instead of given to the insurance companies. Medicines will be lower for the elderly and this will help out in the long run for Medicare. The ACA hopes to stop insurance companies from denying payment.
Is healthcare access a human right or a privilege? Provide a rationale.
Health care is a right for every child, man and woman and health care should be given no matter the income. All people should have access to health care. This is the wealthiest country and health care should not be considered a privilege.
Who are the major players in health policies?
The government is the major player in the health care policies. Considering the insurance companies play as well because the insurance companies are the ones who approve or deny the patients treatment.
How does health policy impact society?
The more money you have the better you will be taken care of. For instance if a person have as high paying job they can have great insurance and afford the medications. They can also afford to change their lifestyle as well. The health care system is full of waste.
McLeod, K. (2016). The past, present, and future of Health care. 34(6), 33-45. Retrieved July 19, 2017.
Curtis P. McLaughlin, C. D. (2015). Healthcare Policy Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach
#3: The Affordable Care Act has impacted healthcare quality and costing a major way, health insurance is high enough depending on the managed care and if youre getting a family care plan. Without certain plans included, such as dental or vision it makes it that much more difficult to get everything needed. With the economy taking a downfall, its getting harder and harder for low-income families to keep up with the cost of insurance. The quality of healthcare isnt the same when a nurse shortage is at its highest, long waiting time and the increase of stress of staff due to employee shortage as well. Tons of paperwork to deal with, which becomes a burden on both the patient and the employees.
Cost wise it may limit people to go to the doctor because of no insurance or limited due to the kind of insurance they can afford. Society is impacted as a whole because if an individual doesnt have insurance they will be fined for not having health insurance. Although its made affordable is it really? It still remains very expensive, leaving individuals or families to choose from food thats needed now versus insurances that is not needed at that present time. According to The Economics of the Affordable Care Act by Dean Baker, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services projects (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. that per capita spending on health care in the US will average $10,800 in 2017. But the cost for the most expensive 10 percent of patients will average $54,000 per person, compared to an average of just $6,000 for everyone else. The cost for the healthiest 50 percent of patients averages under $700 per person. This defends up my previous statement about families being able to afford insurance. What if the family income is only $700 a month?
The Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage was enforced to help pay a greater chunk of Medicaid cost in states with lessening per capita earnings. One of the bearing to the FMAP grants states to receive an build up for federal Medicaid matching rates for an artful approach to a new Medicaid claims or eligibility system and for the carry on of such systems.
My thoughts on this topic are how can the government fine an individual or families who dont have health insurance? Due to the high cost of insurance, high rent, the high cost of food and low minimum wage, it just doesnt add up. I understand insurance is a must but if the quality of living doesnt add up how can one be penalized? Upon further thought to what can be done to help low-income families and individuals are raise the taxes for the wealthy so that would take care the cost of the health insurance for the low incomes families and individuals.