Primary health care approaches to health care in nursing within a community setting. Use the scholarly literature to explore one of the identified issues for this client group.

1. Choose one of the given scenarios.
2. Use the scholarly literature to explore one of the identified issues for this client group.
3. Using an empowerment approach, discuss how the nurse could promote health literacy in relation to this issue with:
• An individual client; and
• The client group as a whole

1. You are working as a registered nurse with a mental health homeless outreach team.
i. Young mental health clients who do not take their drugs
ii. Recently discharged clients who do have not family support

2. You are working as community health centre nurse with a large population of people who have recently arrived as refugees in Australia.
i. There is a high prevalence of TB in this group
ii. Many are suffering from post-traumatic stress

3. You are working as a primary health care nurse in a remote Indigenous community OR in a developing country.
i. An increasing prevalence of obesity in the community
ii. A high prevalence of otitis media in the children in the community

4. You are working as a child health nurse in an urban low socio-economic area with a high proportion of young single parent families with pre-school age child/ren.
i. You notice that many of the mothers have either limited or negative interactions with their children
ii. You notice that many of the children have significant dietary related issues
Demonstrates an understanding of health literacy, and how health professionals can promote health literacy
Demonstrates an understanding of health literacy in relation to the identified issue
Bases discussion, analysis and strategies on community health principles, including: empowerment approaches, health promotion principles and a primary health care model (rather than the medical model)
Addresses social determinants of health in relation to the group and the specific issue
Differentiates between an individual focus and a population focus
Accesses, analyses and uses appropriate literature
Assignment is clear, logical, succinct and focused on the topic
Presents material in accordance with academic standards
Demonstrates understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas. Able to interpret, translate & extrapolate. Thorough exploration of topic; Extensive knowledge and excellent capacity to discuss relevant principles and theories Very good exploration of topic; Comprehensive knowledge and very good capacity to discuss relevant principles and theories Good exploration of topic. Substantial knowledge and good capacity to discuss relevant principles and theories Basic exploration of topic; Relevant knowledge with a satisfactory capacity to discuss relevant principles and theories but some omissions Very little exploration of topic. Some relevant knowledge but significant omissions &/or factual errors. The question is not answered. The response is incoherent
Examine and break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Make inferences and find evidence to support generalizations. Demonstrates evidence of critical thinking and synthesis of the topic; Arguments are very well developed. Highly integrated, original insights generated on the topic Arguments and discussions are logical, coherent, relevant and well argued and supported with evidence; Some evidence of critical thinking and insight Identifies and applies relevant concepts in a coherent manner; Formulates logical discussion and analysis; uses evidence to support arguments, but does not always make links clear Tends to be descriptive and discussion not always carefully thought out. A limited range of concepts and aspects of the topic are addressed. Adequate but limited linkage and exposition of concepts Uncritical and unsubstantiated use of description only. Limited in coherence or logic.
Scope, appropriateness and utilisation of literature. Synthesis and critical review of salient literature in relation to topic; Discriminating use of research and literature; Uses appropriate evidence skilfully to support arguments Extensive review of appropriate literature in relation to topic; Uses mostly salient literature on the topic and to explore the core themes Appropriate scope and depth in review of salient literature sources for the topic; Uses literature as appropriate evidence Satisfactory or adequate review of scholarly literature in scope or depth, but limited to a basic standard and/or relevancy for the topic Unsatisfactory in scope, standard and/or relevancy for the topic;