Proposal of adopting hand washing using sanitizers as a strategy for enhancing hygiene at the school Cafeteria.

Subject: Proposal of adopting hand washing using sanitizers as a strategy for enhancing hygiene at the school Cafeteria.

The purpose of the proposal is encouraging adaptation of good hygiene practices such as hand washing before, during and after food preparation in the school cafeteria. The assumption is that embracing the practice would alleviate problems associated with the consumption of contaminated food through food poisoning. Another purpose of the writing is encouraging the provision of additional nutritious food components on the cafeteria’s menu in order to improve the well-being of those who consume meals from the facility. As noted, there has been the limitation in terms of variety leading to consumption of few foods items from the cafeteria.
Decline in standards of hygiene and limitation of food variety has been the leading cause of concern for students who frequent cafeterias in schools for meals. As noted in the records of the school cafeteria, there has been a deterioration in hygiene standards resulting in the contamination of foods. In turn, the contamination of foods has been contributing to the rise in cases of diseases making it difficult for the students to ascertain high living standards. The finding of researcher about the practices at the facility is that few people embrace hand washing as a safe hygiene practice. Additionally, the lack of variety is forcing some students to seek alternative sources outside the school. The resultant effect has been in the dissatisfaction of both parties involved in the provision of meals at the cafeteria. Another trend is that there has been the limitation in terms of nutritious contents of the food items thus the reason students prefers seeking alternative sources outside the institution. As a result, the changes have distorted the reputation of the facility thus the need for adjustments to ensure sustainability in the operations of the restaurant.
In an attempt to address the issue, the researchers are proposing the adaptation of practices that improve hygiene standards at the facility. This includes utilization of soap and sanitizers for hand washing. The second recommendation is the diversification of the menu to include nutritious meals that will improve the wellbeing of students. The expectation of making the suggestions is that the cafeteria will witness improvements in all areas of operations in the event that the management adheres to the proposed changes. In turn, the effects will trickle down to the consumers leading to the satisfaction of both parties interested in the affairs of the facility.
The study will last for about six weeks to enable the team to present a comprehensive report on the prevailing conditions at the facility. Afterward, the entire members will make recommendations on the suitable ways of dealing with the problem facing the institution. As the pioneers of the solution, the team comprising of ten researchers will liaise with the manager of the restaurant in facilitating the implementation the changes at the facility for a period of another three weeks. While undertaking the obligation, the team will envisage the possibilities of the suggested solution creating more problems at the cafeteria the long-term. A concrete report will serve as a partial fulfillment of the attainment of marks necessary for the completion of the coursework.
According to the reports of various stakeholders in the institution, the number of students benefiting from visiting the cafeteria is on the decline and things could get worse. For that reason, there is an urgent need for a solution to the hygiene problem for the facility to sustain its operations. During the process, the implementation of guidelines necessary for curbing the long-term effects of the problem should follow as the first step in the alleviation of the hygiene problem. The next step would entail monitoring the number of people visiting the facility at lunchtime in order to ascertain whether the changes are altering the preferences of the consumers who frequent the facility. Inclusion of additional food items on the menu is also part of the solution to the problems facing the organization. Since the standard of hygiene is on the decline, the provision of easy to prepare foods will be necessary since convenience influences student’s decision.
Proposed Solution