
Pediatric Clinic Day!  Preschool (3-6 years old)


Research five   EBP articles related to your developmental stage to add into your poster

Create a   section on your poster called “What do you expect from me?”

This section   discusses the developmental milestones a child should achieve at your   assigned age group


Create a   section on your poster called “How much do I grow?”

This section   discusses the physical growth expectations at your assigned age group


Create a   section on your poster called “I said what?” (or “Look who’s talking”)

This section   discusses the language development a child should achieve at your assigned   age group

(This could   include how many words they speak, when they can read/write, can they understand   sarcasm or abstract concepts) 


Create a   section on your poster called “You want me to eat what?”

This section   discusses a healthy diet and appropriate food choices/portion sizes for your   assigned age group


Create a   section on your poster called “How much do I grow?”

This section   discusses the physical growth expectations at your assigned age group


Create a   section on your poster called “Can I go out and play?”

This section   discusses the appropriate play/activities/rest(sleep) at your assigned age   group


 Summarize each EBP article in a paragraph. Include APA reference list 


Create a   handout on your injury prevention specific to your developmental stage


Come up with an age-appropriate   game (that is easy to teach and does not take long to play) that students can   play with kids that assesses/tests an area of their development level.

E.i. stacking   blocks, a game of memory, catch, . . .