Week 8 – Discussion: Weekly Reading and Video

Review weekly reading and video.

Respond to the following prompts, in approximately one paragraph, in the discussion forum by Wednesday: 

  • Write a narrative reflection on your general thoughts regarding the issues or dilemmas this video and you’re reading raises for you as a future counselor. Highlight the significance of the court cases Dr. Stone discusses What implications do these cases have for school counselors?

  • Link to Video-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLBhieDhrL4


Respond to the following prompts, in approximately one paragraph, in the discussion forum by Wednesday: 

Include rationale from the textbook, other provided resources, and personal experience to support your position.

 Due Wednesday, March 1, 2023, By 7:30 pm USA time/date

** Absolutely NO Plagiarism

***All writing must be original

****NO using writing or COPYING FROM COURSE HERO

***** My Instructor checks for plagiarism on Turn It In and on Safe assign