Recommended Font size: Times New Roman 12- 2.0 (double) spacing or Arial 11 1.5 spacing or similar.Undergraduate nursing programmes are designed to equip student nurses with the skills and knowledge necessary for their future work as professional nurses.

Word limit: A 10% leeway on either side of the word limit will be accepted. Word count will be measured from the first word of the introduction to last word of the conclusion and include intext references. Reference list not included in the word count (1800-2200 words).
Task Description
Undergraduate nursing programmes are designed to equip student nurses with the skills and knowledge necessary for their future work as professional nurses. However the reality is that most new graduate nurses or nurses re-entering the workforce experience challenges including deficits in clinical and practical skills workplace bullying and role ambiguity. This task requires you to critically reflect on these challenges as they relate to a beginning registered nurse. You will need to critically analyse the literature to:
1. Define transition in the nursing context as experienced and perceived by the newly registered nurses
2. Identify and discuss four potential challenges during their transition to a registered nurse
3. Discuss mechanisms and processes in place to support newly registered nurse in relation to the identified challenges
4. Apply knowledge of workplace health and safety in terms of horizontal violence
You will need to demonstrate critical thinking and reflective practice in your argument. It is expected that you will read widely around these topics and reference correctly in your paper. NB: Articles used must be relevant to the Australian context and must be less than 5 years old for Journal articles and less than 10 years old textbooks. Use of websites must be from a reliable source Wikipedia is not acceptable.
This assignment needs to be written at a graduate level and to flow logically. I need to pass this assignment as it is a critical part of marks I need to make up. I would appreciate a well constructed assignment and use of structured sentences without too much repetition.
Please refer to the marking criteria for best results.
D+ D D
C + C C-
P+ P P-
F+ F F-
Structure (15%)
Clear and succinct introduction that
outlines the direction of the paper (5%) Clear and appropriate
introduction Mostly clearly written with
appropriate introduction Introduction is apparent but does not offer clear direction to the paper No recognizable introduction
the topic is not introduced and or there is no direction offered
Clear and succinct conclusion that
summaries the main points and brings the argument to a logical close (5%) Clear and appropriate conclusion that summaries the main points and brings the argument to a close. Mostly clearly written conclusion summaries most of
the main points and brings some sense of closure. Conclusion is apparent summaries most of the main points and endeavors to bring the argument to a close there may be some incongruity. No recognizable conclusion
Little reference to the main points does not offer a clear conclusion to the paper.
Consistently accurate with spelling
grammar use of punctuation (5%) Generally accurate with
spelling grammar use of punctuation 1-2 errors Occasional inaccuracies with
spelling grammar use of punctuation 3-4 errors
Frequent inaccuracies with
spelling grammar use of punctuation 5 errors Many inaccuracies with spelling
grammar use of punctuation > 6 errors
Approach & Argument (65%)
Convincing and clear definition and description of the term Transition (15%) Clear definition and description of the term Transition Basic definition and description of the term Transition No clear definition of the term
Transition with no real description of the term Cannot define Transition No description of the term
Clearly succinctly and accurately discusses four potential challenges during the transition to a registered nurse (20%) Provides a description of four potential challenges during the transition to a registered nurse Some evidence of at least three potential challenges during the transition to a registered nurse Little evidence of potential challenges during the transition to a registered nurse No evidence of potential challenges during the transition to a registered nurse
Explains and critically analyses mechanisms and processes in place to support newly registered nurse (15%) Accurately uses critical analysis
to discuss mechanisms and processes in place to support newly registered nurse Generally uses critical
analysis to discuss mechanisms and processes in place to support newly registered nurse Describes and discuss mechanisms and processes in place to support newly registered nurse No evidence of critical
thinking to discuss mechanisms and processes in place to support newly registered nurse
Clearly and accurately demonstrates evidence of contemporary workplace health and safety issues relevant to the registered nurse in regards to horizontal violence (15%) Clearly demonstrates evidence of contemporary workplace health and safety issues relevant to the registered nurse in regards to horizontal violence Describes contemporary workplace health and safety issues relevant to the registered nurse in regards to horizontal violence Can define contemporary workplace health and safety issues relevant to the registered nurse in regards to horizontal violence
No evidence of contemporary workplace health and safety issues relevant to the registered nurse in regards to horizontal violence
Referencing (20%): Referencing is consistent with American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition referencing style Referencing is not consistent with
APA) 6th edition referencing style
Consistently integrates up-to-date
references to support and reflect all ideas factual information and quotations (10%) Generally integrates up-to-
date references to support and reflect all ideas factual information and quotations Frequently integrates up-to-
date references to support and reflect all ideas factual information and quotations Occasionally integrates up-to-
date references to support and reflect all ideas factual information and quotations Fails to or infrequent attempts to
integrate up-to-date references to support and reflect all ideas factual information and quotations
Consistently accurate with referencing. A
minimum of 20 references used including
10 journal articles and relevant web sites. (10%) Generally accurate with
referencing. A minimum of 17 references used including 8 journal articles and relevant web sites. Occasional inaccuracies with
referencing. A minimum of 14 references used including 6 journal articles and relevant web sites. Frequent inaccuracies with
referencing. A minimum of 10 references used including 4 journal articles and relevant web sites. Many inaccuracies with
referencing. A minimum of 10 references not used. The required number of journal articles not sourced. Web sites not used.