Refer marking criteria sheet also my humble request to writer dont refer only pass marking criteria because its doesnt work when I get my mark..Ialready faced fail from others writers.

401010 Health Variations 1 School of Nursing and Midwifery | Autumn 2016
Undergraduate Nursing
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 2 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2 1 Introduction to the unit .. 3 1.1 Unit Details . 3 1.2 Handbook summary .. 3 1.3 Staff 3 1.4 Essential requirements . 4 1.5 Changes to unit as a result of student feedback .. 4 2 Assessment Information 5 2.1 Course level learning outcomes .. 5 2.2 Learning Outcomes 7 2.3 Engaging with the unit .. 7 2.4 Assessment summary .. 8 2.5 To pass this unit .. 8 2.6 Assessment details. 9 Assessment 1: In class closed book multiple choice question (MCQ) quiz .. 9 Assessment 2: Short Answer Test (SAT) 10 Marking criteria and standards: Assessment 2 Short Answer Test (SAT) In Class closed book assessment based on Case History . 13 Assessment 3: End of session closed book examination 20 2.7 Submission requirements . 21 Late submission 21 Extension of due date for submission 21 Resubmission 22 Special consideration 22 3 Teaching and learning activities 23 4 Learning resources 26 4.1 Essential library resources .. 26 4.2 Literacy & numeracy resources . 27 4.3 Citing resources and referencing .. 27 5 Important information .. 28 5.1 What is expected of you 28 5.2 What you can expect from the teaching team 28 Staff responsibilities 28 On-Line learning requirements . 28 5.3 Raising concerns .. 29 5.4 Links to policy . 29 5.5 Links to other resources 30
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 3 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
1 Introduction to the unit
1.1 Unit Details Unit Code and Unit Name: 401010 Health Variations 1 Teaching Session and Year: Autumn 2016 Credit Points: 10
1.2 Handbook summary This unit provides the theoretical background knowledge for Professional Practice 3. It introduces the student to the fundamental principles of perioperative nursing care in supporting clients undergoing surgical interventions incorporating the related pathophysiology and pharmacology. In particular nursing care of surgical interventions relating to the gastrointestinal reproductive and musculoskeletal systems with a Health Priority Focus relating to Injury Control Arthritis and Cancer Control will be the focus of case history reviews.
1.3 Staff
Position Contact Details
Unit Coordinator
Name: Ms Kate Bell Email: Phone: (02) 4570 1674
Campus Coordinators
Campbelltown Ms Sharon Jacobs s.jacobs@westernsydne (02) 4620 3657
Hawkesbury Ms Melissa Jansson m.jansson@westernsyd (02) 4570 1915
Parramatta Ms Jackie Dempsy jackie.dempsey@wester (02) 9685 9022
Teaching Staff
Please refer to the unit vUWS site for a full list of teaching staff.
Contact Protocol
Your tutor is the point of first contact for students who have queries relating to the unit. If you are unable to contact your Tutor please contact your Campus Coordinator. If the staff member is not available leave a telephone message including your name and contact telephone number alternatively you can send an email. Email communication with academic staff must be via Western Sydney University student email accounts only. Emails sent from any non Western Sydney University address will not receive a response. Student Email Accounts can be activated via the Western Sydney University Home page from myc3.
Student Consultation
Tutors will advise of consultation times on the vUWS site or outside their offices or in the School of Nursing and Midwifery reception area. If you are unable to contact your tutor please contact your Campus Coordinator.
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 4 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
1.4 Essential requirements
Essential equipment Access to a computer and the internet is essential in order to be able to: access course materials; to participate in discussion groups; and to access additional resources provided by the lecturer during the session. See cilities/uwsonline_student_support for further information.
Students will require a calculator for maths in tutorials and CPU; uniform for clinical placement and final skill assessment nurses watch stethoscope (recommended).
1.5 Changes to unit as a result of student feedback The University values student feedback in order to improve the quality of its educational programs. As a result of student feedback the following changes and improvements to this unit have recently been made:
? Variations to assessments 1 and 2 ? Constructive alignment with Professional Practice Experience 3 (PPE3) ? Continued development of revision quizzes
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 5 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
2 Assessment Information
2.1 Course level learning outcomes The following shows how this unit will contribute to completion of course level outcomes Western Sydney University graduate attributes and the NMBA Competencies. The graduate from the Bachelor of Nursing will have achieved the Generic Western Sydney University Graduate Attributes as an essential part of completion of the award. Graduates will demonstrate all of the subsets of the major attributes which are:
1. Command multiple skills and literacies to enable adaptable lifelong learning; 2. Demonstrate knowledge of Indigenous Australia through cultural competency and professional capacity; 3. Demonstrate comprehensive coherent and connected knowledge 4. Apply knowledge through intellectual inquiry in professional or applied contexts 5. Bring knowledge to life through responsible engagement and appreciation of diversity in an evolving world
NMBA competencies
Course Level Outcomes
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 5.1 6.2 6.4 7.1 7.4 7.5 7.6 9.3 9.5
1. Demonstrate fulfilment of duty of care through coherent and detailed knowledge of nursing theory nursing practice and the role and responsibilities of the registered nurse.
5. Plan and coordinate holistic and evidence-based care using appropriate inquiry and research strategies as well as multiple technologies.
1 3
9. Practise ethically and lawfully to ensure safe nursing practice that promotes dignity comfort and recovery.
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 6 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 7 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
2.2 Learning Outcomes The Health Variations 1 unit is part of the Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced) and Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry). The unit provides the foundation for developing comprehensive coherent and connected knowledge in the nursing discipline and introduces and develops interaction skills which will be required by graduates in their work environments.
Learning outcomes for the unit are outlined below.
1. Describe the principles of perioperative nursing care
2. Explain the role of the nurse in the perioperative period with reference to the NMBA competencies standards. 3. Discuss Injury Control as it relates to pathophysiology and across the lifespan. 4. Explain how Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions relate to pathophysiology and across the lifespan. 5. Describe knowledge of Cancer Control across the lifespan and related pathophysiology. 6. Discuss pharmacological concepts relevant to perioperative nursing.
7. Explain the safe and effective use of pharmacological agents in supporting people across the lifespan who are experiencing surgical interventions. 8. Discuss non-pharmacological comfort measures that may be used during the perioperative period. 9. Implement information literacy skills to access and evaluate data relevant to provision of effective nursing management of people across the lifespan who are receiving perioperative care.
2.3 Engaging with the unit Activity How will teaching activities support achievement of learning outcomes?
Blended Learning Activity
Blended learning activities have been embedded throughout the unit content to enhance the student learning experiences through the use of tutorials clinical practice units audio visual material small group work and online quiz material. Access to a computer and the internet is essential in order to be able to: access course materials; to participate in discussion groups; and to access additional resources provided by the lecturer during the session. See and_facilities/uwsonline_student_support for further information.
A tutorial is a small group activity that enables you to have lecture content explained by the tutor if required. You will then be able to apply explore and debate the content through interactive learning activities with other students.
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 8 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
Activity How will teaching activities support achievement of learning outcomes?
Group Work
Group work enhances student learning. Through planned group activities and discussion with other students you will have the opportunity to clarify your own thoughts and understandings of unit concepts. Group work also offers the opportunity to cooperate in a team situation and to learn skills that will assist you to work effectively in a health care team.
2.4 Assessment summary
In class closed book multiple choice question (MCQ) quiz Duration: 20 minutes Due Date: Week 3
123679 10%
In class closed book Short Answer Test (SAT) Duration: 90 minutes Word Count: 1000 words Due Date: Week 7
245789 40%
End of session examination Duration: 2 hours Due Date: During formal Western Sydney University examination period
1-9 50%
2.5 To pass this unit
? Achieve at least 50% when all assessment marks are totalled AND ? Complete and submit all assessment tasks at the required time and required academic standard
? You should note that consistent with the Criteria and Standards Based Assessment policy the final marks and grades are subject to determination of School and University Assessment and Progression Committees. Please see Assessment policy;
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 9 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
2.6 Assessment details
Assessment 1: In class closed book multiple choice question (MCQ) quiz Weighting: 10% Duration: 20 minutes Due Date: Week 3 in registered tutorials
Submission details: This is a closed book assessment that will be completed in your tutorial class in week 3. All students are required to attend their allocated tutorial in week 3 to complete this assessment. You have an allocated time of 20 minutes to complete this task.
Aim of assessment
The purpose of this MCQ test in class assessment is to enable the students to demonstrate: ? An understanding of the experience of pain in the perioperative period (Learning outcome 1). ? An understanding of pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of pain in the perioperative period (Learning outcomes 1 2 6 & 8). ? An understanding of the principles of perioperative nursing care (Learning outcome 1). ? An understanding of alterations in body fluid homeostasis and the management of fluid balance in the perioperative period (Learning outcome 1). ? An understanding of the pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel diseases Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis (Learning outcome 5). ? An understanding of the pharmacological concepts related to the treatment of a person who has an inflammatory bowel disease (Learning outcome 6). ? An understanding of the safe and effective use of pharmacological agents (Learning outcome 7).
Details This is a closed book assessment that will be completed in tutorial time. The assessment task consists of 20 multiple choice questions (MCQs). The allocated time for completion of this assessment is 20 minutes.
Resources i. Examples are available on the HV1 vUWS site. ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the units vUWS site for specific unit resources
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 10 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
Assessment 2: Short Answer Test (SAT) In class closed book assessment based on a case history. Weighting: 40% Word count: 1000 words Due Date: Week 7 in registered tutorial.
Submission Details: This is a closed book assessment that will be completed in your tutorial class in week 7. All students must attend their allocated tutorial to complete this assessment. You have an allocated time of 90 minutes.
Marking Critieria and Standards: See page 12-17
Aim of assessment
The purpose of this short answer test in-class assessment is to enable the student to demonstrate: ? An understanding of the principles of perioperative nursing care in relation to a person who has Crohns disease (Learning outcome 1). ? An understanding of alterations in body fluid homeostasis and the management of fluid balance in the perioperative period (Learning outcome 1). ? An understanding of the role of the nurse in the perioperative period in relation to a person who has Crohns disease (Learning outcome 2). ? An understanding of the pathophysiology of Crohns disease (Learning outcome 5). ? An understanding of pharmacological agents that may be used in the perioperative care of a person who has Crohns disease (Learning outcome 6). ? An understanding of how safe and effective administration of pharmacological agents support people in perioperative care (Learning outcome 1 6 & 7). ? An evaluation of relevant literature to support an understanding of the pathophysiology pharmacological and nursing management of a person experiencing Crohns disease and express this in a clear and succinct writing style (Learning outcome 9).
Details Lucy is a 19 year old university student. She has been admitted to hospital with a six (6) day history of lower right quadrant abdominal cramping pain increasing with intensity diarrhoea with blood anorexia fatigue nausea and episodes of vomiting. Lucy states that she was diagnosed with Crohns disease at age 15. She has had two previous hospital admissions for acute exacerbations of Crohns disease with clinical
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 11 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
manifestations of diarrhoea abdominal pain and vomiting. Her Crohns disease has been managed with a combination of diet medication and medical monitoring. Remission of her Crohns disease was maintained by oral mesalazine (Mesasal). Lucy currently rates her pain as 9/10. On examination Lucy was pale her extremities were cool and her skin was dry with poor turgor. Her abdomen was distended and tender. A mass was palpable in the lower right abdominal quadrant.
Observations on admission ? Blood pressure: 95/60 ? Pulse rate: 110 beats/minute ? Respiratory rate: 22 breaths/minute ? Temperature: 37.7C ? Sa02: 98% in room air ? Weight: 62 kilograms ? Height: 165 cm ? Urinalysis: ? specific gravity: 1040 ? dark coloured urine ? no other abnormalities noted
Initial pathology results ? Haemoglobin: 105 g/L (117 157 g/L) ? Haematocrit: 49% (35 47%) ? WBC 15000/mm3 ( 3500 11000 mm3) ? Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR): 28mm/hour (0 20 mm/hour) ? C-reactive protein (CRP): 30mg/dl (20 mg/dl) ? Albumin: 28g/L (35 50 g/L)
The MO orders the following ? fentanyl 75mcg IMI QID PRN ? metoclopramide (Maxolon) 10mg IMI TDS ? 1000mL 0.9% normal saline over 8 hours ? nil by mouth Lucy was prepared and sent for an urgent colonoscopy upper barium x-ray and abdominal CT scan. A bowel obstruction at the proximal end of the ascending colon at the ileocecal junction was diagnosed. A balloon dilation of the obstructed colon was attempted but was unsuccessful. Lucy was scheduled for a surgical resection of the affected proximal ascending colon and end-to-end anastomosis of her colon.
Questions Question 1. 10 marks (250 words) Explain the pathogenesis of Crohns disease that has led to the development of Lucys obstruction of the proximal ascending colon.
401010 Health Variations 1 Learning Guide Autumn 2016
School of Nursing and Midwifery Page 12 of 30 University of Western Sydney trading as Western Sydney University ABN 53 014 069 881 CRICOS Provider No: 00917K
(Learning outcome 5; NMBA competency standards 2.6 3.1 4.2). Question 2. 10 marks (250 words) Explain the pathophysiological processes that lead to Lucys conscious perception of pain in her lower right abdominal quadrant. (Learning outcomes 1 5; NMBA competency standards 2.6 4.2 3.1)
Question 3. 5 marks (165 words) Describe the characteristics of the intravenous fluid that was ordered for Lucy and the specific rationale related to the details of the case study for the administration of this intravenous fluid to Lucy. (Learning outcome 1 2; NMBA competency standards 2.6 3.1 4.2 5.2 5.3)
Question 4. 5 marks (165 words) Describe the mechanism of action of fentanyl in relation to its administration to Lucy. (Learning outcome 6; NMBA competency standards 1.1 2.6 3.1 4.2)
Question 5. 5 marks (165 words) Prioritise the nursing responsibilities and associated rationales related to the administration of fentanyl to Lucy. (Learning outcome 7; NMBA competency standards 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.5 2.6 5.2 5.3 6.1 7.4)