Research findings on cultural differences in the expression of emotion, interpretation of behavior, and traditions. Translate the research results into everyday terms, as your audience will be people unfamiliar with psychological jargon.



Here is the main assignment! KEEP IN MIND this is a team assignment and I am only responsible for part of the assignment.
The class is DIVERSITY AND CULTURAL FACTORS IN PSYCHOLOGY. I have attached the book as an attachment. kthagin is log in to book and Marines1! is the password.
The second attachment is the template that our team has chosen to use.
The third attachment is a very detailed description as to what the lead wants each student to do. It is a planning document.

The assignment:

Imagine that a local company has contacted you regarding new employees from a different culture. The purpose of the presentation is to help the present employees understand and communicate with the new employees from a different culture.

Create an 8- to 10- slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®, research-based presentation to help employees understand cultural differences in the expression of emotion and the interpretation of behaviors and traditions. You will need to select one culture that is NOT represented by the learning team group. Your notes will explain the points in your slides.

Choose a culture outside of those represented in your Learning Team, and include the following:

Research findings on cultural differences in the expression of emotion, interpretation of behavior, and traditions.
Translate the research results into everyday terms, as your audience will be people unfamiliar with psychological jargon.
Apply the research findings to your chosen culture.
Explain how the present group of employees can maximize communication with the new employees.

Include at least three scholarly resources in your presentation.

Now, look at the planning document attached.

The human being and emotions – Slide 3 & 4

Slide content: Describe emotion and how it is used in communications. Talk about types of emotions (basic and self-conscious – pg 208). Role of emotional regulation in social construct (pg 209) – this is general discussion of emotional regulation because it will be used later in cultural differences in regulation. For this slide just discuss the concept and who it affect social functions.

Possible resources:

Averill, J. R. (1998). What Are Emotions, Really?. Cognition & Emotion, 12(6), 849-855. doi:10.1080/026999398379466

Ekman, P., & Cordaro, D. (2011). What is meant by calling emotions basic?. Emotion Review, 3(4), 364-370. doi:10.1177/1754073911410740

Ekman, P. (1993). Facial expression and emotion. American Psychologist, 48(4), 384-392. doi:

Godbold, N. (2014). Researching emotions in interactions: Seeing. Emotion Review, 7(2), 163-368. doi: 10.1177/1754073914554779

Tracy, J. L., & Robins, R. W. (2004). Putting the self into self-conscious emotions: A theoretical model. Psychological Inquiry, 15(2), 103-125.

Guidelines for presentation (to maintain uniformity and presentation style):

Each slide should have 4 to 6 summary points, displayed as bullet points that are about a sentence long or less.
Each slide, except Intro and Conclusion should have a graphic
Important one: Make sure you reference concepts and research that you share to the Chinese culture either to show similarities or differences. Every section should find some way to mention how what you are writing about relates to the Chinese culture. This is the requirement: Apply the research findings to your chosen culture.
Important note 2: Use common terms, stay away from scientific jargon. Our audience is employees of a local company, so write to your audience – but still 3rd person please!
Your speaker notes should look just like your writing in a paper. Make sure all your bullet points are covered in your speaker notes and each page should have at least two paragraphs. Please make sure you cite references, just like a paper.

Attachments:Outline – Cultural Awareness in Emotion

Introduction – Slide 1 – Joleen

Slide Content: Introduce the presentations intention to build cultural awareness to new Chinese employees. Then give a quick summary outline and review of the outline content.

Important concepts in Chinese Culture – Slide 2

Slide Content: Explain that before we go into the emotions and their effects on relationships and communications, a few general cultural considerations should be mentioned. Keeping these in mind throughout this presentation will help participants to relate to the various concepts

Possible Resources:

Cheung, R., Nelson, W., Advincula, L., Cureton, V. Y., &Canham, D. L. (2005). Understanding the Culture of Chinese Children and Families. Journal of School Nursing, 21(1), 3-9. doi:10.1622/1059-8405(2005)021[0003:UTCOCC]2.0.CO;2

Iler, H. (2009). Understanding chinese culture leads to business success. Canadian HR Reporter, 22(12), 18. Retrieved from

The human being and emotions – Slide 3 & 4

Slide content: Describe emotion and how it is used in communications. Talk about types of emotions (basic and self-conscious – pg 208). Role of emotional regulation in social construct (pg 209) – this is general discussion of emotional regulation because it will be used later in cultural differences in regulation. For this slide just discuss the concept and who it affect social functions.

Possible resources:

Averill, J. R. (1998). What Are Emotions, Really?.Cognition & Emotion, 12(6), 849-855. doi:10.1080/026999398379466

Ekman, P.,&Cordaro, D. (2011). What is meant by calling emotions basic?.Emotion Review, 3(4), 364-370. doi:10.1177/1754073911410740

Ekman, P. (1993). Facial expression and emotion. American Psychologist, 48(4), 384-392. doi:

Godbold, N. (2014). Researching emotions in interactions: Seeing. Emotion Review, 7(2), 163-368. doi: 10.1177/1754073914554779

Tracy, J. L., & Robins, R. W. (2004). Putting the self into self-conscious emotions: A theoretical model. Psychological Inquiry, 15(2), 103-125.

Universality in emotion – Slide 5 & 6

Slide Content: Discuss the theories behind the universality of emotions and the universality studies (pg 211 – lots of research listing on pg 211 you can look up to use).

Discus universality in the recognition of emotion (pg 215).

Possible resources:

Ekman, P., & Friesen, W. V. (1971). Constants across cultures in the face and emotion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 17, 124–129.

Cultural differences in emotion – Slides 7 &8 – Joleen

Slide Content: Discuss cultural display rules and how they can create cultural differences in emotion (pg 219 – 221). Further discuss emotional regulation in terms of cultural differences in emotions. Make sure you talk about differences in interpretations of behavior and traditions in this section – this is a requirement. – Note: emotional regulation has already been discussed from a basic definition perspective in another slide. Don’t be redundant by re-explaining it in this slide. We are using it to demonstrate cultural difference in emotion.

Possible resources:

Moore, C. C., A, K. R., Ti-Lien Hsia, &Rusch, C. D. (1999). The universality of the semantic structure of emotion terms: Methods for the study of inter- and intra-cultural variability. American Anthropologist, 101(3), 529-546. Retrieved from study to use because deals with Chinese, American, Japanese cross-cultural study of universality of emotion)

Prado, C., Mellor, D., Byrne, L. K., Wilson, C., Xu, X., & Liu, H. (2014). Facial emotion recognition: A cross-cultural comparison of chinese, chinese living in australia, and anglo-australians. Motivation and Emotion, 38(3), 420-428. doi:

Matsumoto, D., Yoo, S. H., & Nakagawa, S. (2008). Culture, emotion regulation, and adjustment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94(6), 925-937. doi:

Using culturally aware emotions for effective communications – Slide 9 & 10

Discuss cultural emotion interaction

Discuss strategies for communications that keep cultural considerations in mind

Using positive emotions

? others

Possible resources:

Tan, J. A. C., Härtel, C.,E.J., Panipucci, D., &Strybosch, V. E. (2005). The effect of emotions in cross-cultural expatriate experiences. Cross Cultural Management, 12(2), 4-15. Retrieved from

Leu, C. M. (2011). EMOTIONS AS DYNAMIC CULTURAL PHENOMENA. The Journal of Linguistic and Intercultural Education, 4, 65-75,262-263. Retrieved from

Conclusion – Slide 11

Guidelines for presentation (to maintain uniformity and presentation style):

Each slide should have 4 to 6 summary points, displayed as bullet points that are about a sentence long or less.
Each slide, except Intro and Conclusion should have a graphic
Important one: Make sure you reference concepts and research that you share to the Chinese culture either to show similarities or differences. Every section should find some way to mention how what you are writing about relates to the Chinese culture. This is the requirement: Apply the research findings to your chosen culture.
Important note 2: Use common terms, stay away from scientific jargon. Our audience is employees of a local company, so write to your audience – but still 3rd person please!
Your speaker notes should look just like your writing in a paper. Make sure all your bullet points are covered in your speaker notes and each page should have at least two paragraphs. Please make sure you cite references, just like a paper.
Each team member should use 1 peer reviewed resource for their speaker notes. Please use something other than the book and websites are discouraged in academic writing. The textbook is acceptable to use also, but to be fair, each one of us should contribute at least 1 other outside resource.
Don’t forget, 3rd person academic writing
Please submit your contributions in team folder “First Drafts Here” and include your name in the filename
Everyone should choose 3 slides. If you take one of the slides that have more than 1 slide presentation, feel free to also choose Conclusion or Chinese Culture as your other. I have indicated my 3 already.



Wed Sept 16 – Select your slides (3 per person)
Fri Sept 18 – 11PM – First drafts of slides due – (please meet this important target)
Saturday Sept 19 – 11PM – Review and provide feedback – all encouraged to participate in this
Sunday Sept 20 – 8PM – Second drafts due
Monday Sept 21 – 2PM – Final team copy put in folder to final review and approval
Monday Sept 21 – 8PM – Team project submitted

Please contact me anytime with questions or concerns. Email or text 1st choice, but feel free to use any method. ( or 816-305-4814). PLEASE call me if you have questions BEFORE you spend a lot of time working on your slides. We could avoid a lot of extra work with a quick 5 minute call.

I have studied the project requirements and I feel very good that if we follow this format and use the guidelines I have proposed, that our project will meet project requirements and add creativity and quality to this project.

Good Luck! Joleen