children develop better behaviors, good health and enhanced performance in schools if their families maintain an effective daily routine. Discuss

This essay researches on two effective methods that can ensure parents involvement in children education. The two effective methods of parent involvement in children education discussed in the essay include establishment of a daily family routine and expression of high realistic expectations for achievement.

Family routine refers to the regular pattern characterizing daily activities and existence of families. Routine includes activities such as provision of adequate time of study, provision of favorable environment for study, assigning of responsibility to family members, being strict about bedtime and dining together. All families look for techniques that can help children succin education and life.

Research indicates that children develop better behaviors, good health and enhanced performance in schools if their families maintain an effective daily routine (Bacon, 1990). In modern society, families face difficulties in making decisions between balancing of work and child care.Effective parenting requifamilies to establish routines for their children to help children cope up with daily challenges. Educational experts often advise parents on the importance of maintaining daily routines at homes (Avvisati et al, 2010).

Routines promote the development of children, especially young children. The routines practiced by families change as the child grow. For example, the routine considered appropriate for toddlers may not be effective for children in schools.Provision of adequate time of study supports children education. Giving children adequate time of study facilitates completion of assignments (Avvisati et al, 2010).

Children capable of completing assignment on time prosper in education as opposed to children having unlimited time for studies. Giving children inadequate time of study leads to lower scores, late submission of assignments or submission of incomplete assignments.Assigning responsibilities for household chocontributes to improved performance of children. Giving children responsibilities helps develop positive attitude towards work and other educational tasks (Olmstead, 2013).

Assigning responsibilities to children also facilitates learning of responsible behaviors in the society. Tenhances academic performance by making children responsible to academic obligations. Household choalso make children to become engaged and busy hence have limited time to engage in unproductive activities that may influence children attitude negatively.Parent can also enhance the performance of children in school by being firm about bed time and also dinning together with children.

When parent maintains strictness about bedtime, children become disciplined and ensure punctuality (Patrikakou, 2008). Maintaining strict time for sleeping improves children organizational behavior. Bedtime should be planned in away that enable children to have adequate rest. Tenables children to be alert and fresh during the day and participate actively in classes. On the other hand, children prone of sleeping earlier than required may develop laziness hence affects the performance in schools. Dining together with children ensuclose relationship between parents and children.

This facilitates effective communication between the children and parents hence enables parents to identify challenges affecting children. As a result parents can identify problems faced by children and come up with appropriate solutions.Parents also contribute towards children academic welfare through expression of high and realistic expectation to be achieved.

The role requiparents to develop strategies and set realistic goals for children (Hill, 2010). Setting realistic goals develops children ability to accomplish various tasks. Tenables children to work hard and achieve specified goals and objectives. Hard work among children results to achievement of better grades in schools. Children showing hard work towards achievement of specified goals have high chances of performing better.Motivation also contributes to the improved performance of children. Motivated children work harder in schools.

Parent can motivate children through recognition and encouragement based on the children contributions and talents (Hill, 2010). Tcan be achieved through provision of rewards to children capable of achieving specified goals and objectives. Children can also be encouraged to work harder. Criticizing children for poor performance can cause embarrassment to children and tcan make children feel guilty and neglected. Tcan demoralize the children hence affect academic performance.Parents can also be involved in children education through informing friends and families about the performance of children. Informing families about the achievement of children makes children proud and develop positive attitude.

To ensure hard work by children in schools resulting to better grades. Informing families about the achievement of children also make family members to offer support to children. Thelps motivate children for better performance in schools. Avvisati, F., Besbas, B., & Guyon, N. (2010). Parental involvement in school: A literaturereview., 759-778Bacon, K. H. (1990). Education: Many educators view involved parents as key to children?ssuccess in school.Cheung, C., & Pomerantz, E. M. (2011). Parents?

Involvement in Children?s Learning in theUnited States and China: Implications for Children?s Academic and Emotional Adjustment. , (3), 932-950Hill, N. (2010). Parent Involvement,, retrieved from on November 5, 2013Olmstead, C. (2013). Using Technology to Increase Parent Involvement in Schools, , (6), 28-37Patrikakou, E.N. (2008). The Power of Parent Involvement: Evidence, Ideas, and Tools ForStudent Success, Center of Innovation and Improvement, DePaul University, United States.