Respond to these two discussions Separately with Two citations and two references. Meaning Discussion one should have its own response with one citation and one reference and Discussion Two has its own response with one citation and one reference. DO NOT USE FIRST PERSON IN YOUR RESPONSE.
Discussion 1
Transformational leadership is described as the best method of leadership because it recognises the importance of rewards and it goes further to satisfy the higher needs of the follower by engaging this person emotionally and intellectually (Doody 2012). Transformational leadership is effective in the following ways. With the utilization of idealized influence confidence admiration respect and trust is harbored amongst the leader and subordinates. In order for employees to strive for better changes nursing leaders must be positive role models for their employees. They must be willing to do the hard work they expect their employees to do. Inspirational motivation occurs when leaders encourage their emoloyees to achieve goals and aspirations of the organization while also achieving their own aims (Doody 2012). In order to achileve this nurse leaders must make it a priority to include their nursing staff in committees that make decisions regarding those staff members. Often times nursing leaders who do not provide direct patient care are involved in decision making for those nurses who are on the front lines. This does not make nurses feel as if their voices are being heard. Leaders must also be inspirational. They must harbor feelings of passion about their work so that their employees will feel the same. When people are passionate about their work it shows.
Intellectual stimulation is also a very important component of transformational leadership. Employees must be continually learning in order to feel engaged and to provide the best patient care they can. In order to achieve this library IT services and computers must be readily available (Doody 2012). Finally individualized consideration must be employed. Nurse managers must care for their employees. It is imperative that employees have a strong sense of leadership who act in supportive roles especially in times of need (Doody 2012). When employees are facing times of crisis or hardship they are more willing to work harder for a boss who listens to them and who is happy to help when they need it most.
By instilling these four principles managers are on the road to becoming transformational leaders. Clearly employees are more likely to respect and be willing to work harder for employers who make these priniciples a priority in the workplace. I beleive that managers who instill these principles would be much better to work for and would motivate their employees to be the best they could. I have worked for employers in the past who did not have frontline staff represented in decisions that were made for them. I have also worked for managers who were not understanding during crisis situations outside of the workplace. Once trust and rapport is broken between an employee and their manager it is very difficult to mend that broken bond.
Doody O. & Doody C. M. (2012). Transformational leadership in nursing practice. British Journal Of Nursing21(20) 1212-1218 7p.
Discussion 2
Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership style that causes an individual and social system to create valuable and positive changes for the followers to be turned into leaders. The way the style causes the changes is by enhancing motivation morale and performances. The method would also use a variety of mechanism that will inspire the follower. For example have the follower take ownership their work and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the follower so that the leader can optimize their performances (Langston University 2009)
How Transformational leadership is use in healthcare? I have found a journal which verify thru studies that this style of leadership is very useful and use quite often in healthcare and nursing. The journal explores the mediating effects of work-life conflict between transformational leadership and job satisfaction and psychological well-being. There are many conflicts between work and family demand in healthcare as well as the conflict between work and other role expectations and responsibilities in privet life. These conflicts have been reported to be the major contributors to work stress for those working in healthcare (Munir F. Nielsen K. Garde A. H. Albersen K. 2012).
I have worked in a Trauma I hospital in the ICU and ED. These units were one the highest level of stress to work in. We had a high standard of work demands long working hours and many times staff shortage. As the article mentioned we had as individuals many conflicts between work family life and role expectation at work and home. Our leaders use the transformational leadership style. This type style was the most beneficial to use at our hospital. It helps the employees to find a balance between their role demands at work and at home as well to find coping mechanism to counteract stress.
Munir F. Nielsen K. Garde A. H. Albertsen K. and Carneiro I. G. (2012) Mediating the effects of work-life conflict between transformational leadership and health-care workers job satisfaction and psychological wellbeing.Journal of Nursing Management. 20 P. 512-521 Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Langston University (2009) Transformational Leadership. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)