Responsibilities and roles in advancing the health care system that is already complex.
IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations
Institute of Medicine (IOM) encourages nurses in the United States to take more responsibilities and roles in advancing the health care system that is already complex. The recommendations developed by the IOM has been given a green light by the American Nurses Association (ANA) pertaining to leadership roles of nurses in the nursing profession, in meeting the changes in the health care system and in offering higher levels of fulfillment among the nurses. This paper reflects on how I fit in the IOM Future of Nursing recommendations particularly recommendation four, recommendation five and recommendation six.
Recommendation four focus on the need to have nurses with a baccalaureate degree with a minimal of eighty percent of the nurses by 2020 (Finkelman & Kenner, 2012). I’m one of the nurses to have fulfilled this recommendation; soon I will graduate with a Bachelors degree in Nursing. In the subsequent years, I’m planning to register for Nurse Midwife Degree. If more and more nurses register and successfully complete undergraduate degrees in nursing, eighty percent mark for nurses will have attained a Baccalaureate Degree by 2020.
Recommendation five indicated that IOM expects to have double in the number of nurses who will have attained a Doctorate Degree in 2020 (Finkelman & Kenner, 2012). On my part, in the couple of years to come, I will have a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing and Nurse Midwife Degree. This is an indication that I will have to pursue for a masters degree and then apply for the Doctorate Degree. If other nurses follow my tread, meeting the recommendation will be a daunting task. IOM will have to develop platforms that will encourage nurses to take up the Doctorate Degrees.
Recommendation six indicated that nurses have the responsibility of engaging in lifelong learning (Finkelman & Kenner, 2012). On my part, I’m contributing to this recommendation. I will have two degrees in the years to come. Circumstances will dictate my next move depending on the context.
Increasing the level of education in the nursing profession will offer me a competitive edge in the job market. The Nursing profession is consuming and most nurses find it difficult balancing between work and schooling (Jacksonville University, 2012). Higher degree attainment will enable me to gain more knowledge in the field of nursing. Knowledge is a critical tool for nurses in improving the service offered to the patients. Medical advancements are being made and nurses have the responsibility of updating themselves with the current changes. New medications and treatment techniques are constantly changing in the medical profession.
Advanced education will increase new opportunities for me in the nursing profession. An example is moving from hospital jobs to research jobs with advanced degree (Jacksonville University, 2012). I will also have opportunities in specialty career such as pediatrics, oncology or taking roles in nursing practice in family set up. Other options are taking up supervisory roles, offering critical care skills, being influential in decision making processes and gaining a higher pay. Educated nurses take up leadership roles in heading staff nurse, department chief or administrative manager among other roles.
Advanced education in nursing will position me at an advantage platform with the changing laws in nursing. There are high possibilities that all nurses by 2020 will be required to have degrees to be licensed (Jacksonville University, 2012). There are a number of states in the United States that require Registered Nurses (RNs) to be certified regularly by taking over nursing licenses. Re-certification in the future will require higher education levels.
Advanced education will facilitate taking up different programs in nursing schools. Full time nurses may take online nursing programs in advancing their education. I will be forced to facilitate lifelong learning through a number of platforms.
Finkelman, A. & Kenner, C. (2012). Learning IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education. Silver Spring, Maryland: American Nurses Association.
Jacksonville University. (2012, September 20). 5 Advantages of Continuing Nursing Education. Retrieved November 30, 2013, from