Review the assignment prior to viewing Social Dilemma.

We are changing it up this week and the focus in on social media.  This is your reading this week (watching actually).  Review the assignment before watching the video on Netflix.  If you don't have Netflix, you can sign up for a free trial and cancel before it charges you – or watch with a classmate.  The full video may be on Youtube; however, I can not post that here.

For this assignment, in a couple pages, address the following:

  1. What does it mean that "You are the product."
  2. Is there a such thing as "Fake News?"
  3. Do you believe that social media has an impact on how people perceive crime and what they think of others?
  4. How do you think social media impacted the elations and/or future elections?  (does not matter who you would vote for – it has to do with information spreading)
  5. What would YOU change about social media?
  6. Could you take a break from social media – all platforms – for a week?