
Portfolio Details

Period of analysis: Daily from 02/03/2015 to 01/03/2019

Objective: short-term growth

Return basis: Absolute return: target 20% per year

Management contract: 1.25% Annual fee based on the total portfolio (stock and cash) value. Fees are deducted 1 day after the year end (i.e. FWD based on EOYV)

Maximum number of holdings: 5

Limitations on investments: None

Rebalancing: Not required

Trading costs: PTM levy exempt, Stamp duty exempt, contract charge 1% of the opening value.

Interest rate:0.4500%-0.5000% per annum (paid T+1 EOD).

Portfolio composition

Company Name

Size of holding











Opening cash holding 10% of portfolio value

Note 1:Bloomberg only downloads data from trading days so excludes weekends. Ensure this is accounted for in your analysis.

Note 2: Assume that interest is not paid at weekends (This is a big assumption but limits the modelling complexity).

Note 3: Ensure there is data in each trading day for each company. If there is blank data delete the row/date for all companies in the portfolio.

Note 4: Assume that you purchase the stock at the closing price on 02/03/2015 (i.e 02/03/2015 becomes day 0).

Module Title: Portfolio Management and Investment

Contribution to Final Mark for Module: 100%

Maximum Word Length: 3,000 words

The word count is for the main body of the text and ignores the contents page, reference list, executive summary and appendices.

If you exceed the word length you will be penalised. For details see the Management School Handbooks.


You have been allocated a portfolio, noting each student has a different portfolio.

Based on this portfolio, the following tasks must be completed:

  1. Establish, evaluate and explain the 4-year capital performance of your portfolio and its constituents. (20 marks)
  2. Identify, analyse and, where appropriate, measure the risks which are inherent in your portfolio (both for each constituent and the portfolio overall). This should include business, financial, statistical and structural risks. (30 marks)
  3. Undertaking detailed financial analysis (financial statement and valuation analysis) discuss the appropriateness of the portfolio in meeting the portfolio aims. This includes developing a suitable valuation for each company and analysing the financial strength of the business. (50 marks)

General requirement

It is expected that you will draw upon a range of literature, industry journals and information sources throughout your report to provide backing for your own judgement. Your answers should utilise the full range of techniques which the module covers.

Feedback on this assignment will be provided to you in writing within the agreed university turnaround time.







Criteria 1 20/100

Establish and evaluate the 1year performance of your portfolio (including’s its constituents).

Inaccurate evaluation of past performance. Little discussion in the context of the portfolio’s aims

Some evaluation but little/incomplete/ inappropriate and limited reference to the portfolio’s aims

Past performance has been evaluated reasonably in the context of the portfolio’s aims

Past performance has been evaluated in full within the context of the portfolio’s aims

Past performance has been undertaken with a comprehensive and imaginative evaluation linked exclusively to the portfolio’s aims.

Outstanding, in-depth consideration of key issues, with skilful interpretation and use of an extensive range of evidence;

Criteria 2 30100

Identify, analyse and, where appropriate, measure the risks which are inherent in your portfolio (both for each stock and the portfolio overall).

Few risks identified, little attempt to evaluate these in the context of the portfolio’s aims.

Some risks identified, with an attempt to evaluate these in the context of the portfolio’s aims.

Key risks are identified with some discussion on how they impact the achievement of the portfolios aims.

A range of risks identified with a thorough discussion on how they impact the achievement of the portfolios aims.

Most/all risks identified, with a comprehensive analysis on how they impact the achievement of the portfolios aims

Outstanding, in-depth consideration of key issues and risks which impact the portfolio, with skilful interpretation and use of an extensive range of evidence and analysis;

Criteria 3 50/100

Undertaking detailed financial analysis (financial statement and valuation analysis) discuss the appropriateness of the portfolio in meeting the portfolio aims

Some analysis undertaken with little linkages made to the portfolio aims

A basic range of analysis with some linkages made to the portfolio aims with some appreciation of current developments.

A sound range of analysis clearly linked to the portfolio aims with some appreciation of current developments.

A good range of analysis clearly linked to the portfolio aims with some appreciation of current developments.

An excellent range of analysis clearly linked to the portfolio aims and contemporary developments.

An outstanding and comprehensive range of analysis clearly linked to the portfolio aims and contemporary developments.

Referencing: You must reference your work correctly using the Harvard method. Failure to do so will result in the deduction of marks and possible proceedings under the University’s Regulations as to the Use of Unfair Means

Independence of working:

You are reminded of the University’s Regulations on the Use of Unfair Means, which are outlined in the School’s Handbooks. Should you be found to be in breach of them you will be subject to disciplinary procedures.

Other Submission Details:

The assignment should be handed in using a professional report format.

Formatting requirements are Times New Roman Font size 12, 1.5 line spacing.