Simulation is a technique not a technology to replace or amplify real experiences with guided
experiences often immersive in nature that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real
world in a fully interactive fashion (Gaba 2004 p.i2).
With reference to the current literature provide a detailed analysis of simulation-based learning
strategies related to your chosen simulation project topic area. Explore how simulation-based
learning is used in the topic area and provide details of the types of simulation technology (such
as manikin patient simulators task trainers virtual reality) used. Students should focus on the
evidence base that underpins the research in simulation studies and evaluate the effectiveness
in terms of educational outcomes.
Project title:
The impact of Advanced Stroke Life Support for Emergency nurses on stroke patient outcome: evidence based educational program for emergency nurses
Project target audience:
The target audiences for this project are emergency nurses (junior nurses charge nurses and nursing educators)
learning outcomes: At the successful completion of this project participant will be able to:
o Becoming familiar with the anatomy and physiology of acute stroke and its clinical presentation.
o Identify stroke syndromes and related them to pathophysiology and clinical signs.
o Identifying and physical assessment any neurological deficits in suspect stroke patients and determine the appropriate triage levels based on hospital triage levels.
o Perform comprehensive nursing neurological assessment to identify occurrence of stroke effectively.
o Demonstrate Advanced Stroke Life Support knowledge and apply ASLS skills in clinical setting.
o Perform decision-making skills in acute stroke situation.
o Discuss and outline thrombolytic drug protocol tPA eligibility and the contraindication of intravenous tPA treatment by following the hospital stroke protocol.
o Becoming familiar with stroke care pathway and stroke code activation.
o Upon successful ASLS course completion and passing the theoretical and practical parts nurses will receive an ASLS course completion card valid for two years.
Project purpose:
Participating in Advanced Stroke Life Support training course is known to increase the ability of emergency nurses and other healthcare providers in recognize stroke cases and improve the outcomes of patients. Also participants will be better prepared for their clinical placement as simulation will expand their knowledge about clinical decision in any critical care cases.
Justifications why I choose this topic:
The need for urgency in acute stroke treatment is highly linked to reducing long-term disability and improving patients life style.
Emergency acute stroke examination is very important role for emergency nurses so nurses need to be more confident in triaging stroke cases.
Lack of competence and confidence in emergency nurses will maximize the risk of patients.
Project plan:
The simulation Centre reflects the hospitals commitment in providing high quality of teaching to healthcare providers in order to deliver high quality of care to patients. Therefore this table below is my project plan for Advance Stroke Life Support in order to deliver high quality learning based on evidence based practice:
Project plan
Duration Two days full time
First day: theoretical part: 9 hours + Orientation
Second day: Practical part: 8 hours + Evaluation
Class room Curriculum package includes Pre reading materials
Air-conditioned large room
White board
Audio-visual services
Projection screen
Proper participants seating (movable tables and chairs)
Appropriate lighting level
Videos case scenarios about stroke and its types (9 video case scenarios)
Written test
Simulation room Debriefing prior to the simulation
Introduction to the setting and simulation equipment
Correct equipment based on learning objectives e.g. manikins role play
All equipment should be in good conditions
Disposable equipment to be provided
Well designed case scenarios
Feedback for each participants
Assessment time
Simulation is a technique not a technology to replace or amplify real experiences with guided experiences often immersive in nature that evoke or replicate substantial aspects of the real world in a fully interactive fashion (Gaba 2004 p.i2).
With reference to the current literature provide a detailed analysis of simulation-based learning strategies related to your chosen simulation project topic area. Explore how simulation-based learning is used in the topic area and provide details of the types of simulation technology (such as manikin patient simulators task trainers virtual reality) used. Students should focus on the evidence base that underpins the research in simulation studies and evaluate the effectiveness in terms of educational outcomes
Grading Criteria
With reference to the current literature provide a detailed analysis of simulation-based learning strategies related to your chosen simulation project topic area. Explore how simulation-based learning is used in the topic area and provide details of the types of simulation technology (such as manikin patient simulators task trainers virtual reality) used. Students should focus on the evidence base that underpins the research in simulation studies and evaluate the effectiveness in terms of educational outcomes.
Written work contains evidence of a broad and reasonably accurate command of the subject matter and some sense of its broader significance; offers synthesis and some evaluation of material; demonstrates an effort to go beyond the essential reading; contains a clear focus on the principle issues; some evidence of ability to integrate theory with clinical practice; articulate and properly documented.