The effect of blizzards may call for the halting of certain activities which people normally engage in. for instance, roads become impassable, this means people will not go to work and students will not go to class. This has a negative impact on the economy because a majority of the economic activities are halted.


Blizzards are natural disasters which have claimed many lives. It is therefore important that one has a clear understanding of their nature and be aware of how to protect himself/herself when one occurs. Information regarding the general whether is provided by the National Whether Service. This information should be used by people to decide their movement in order to avoid injury or death.


A natural disaster is the outcome of a hazard that occurs naturally without any trigger by human beings or other artificial ways. It is something that we have little or no control over. The Indiana University Bloomington has had encounters with different types of natural disasters, however this essay will mainly look at blizzards. Blizzards have been a great threat to people in the IUB. They pose a big threat because they lead to the loss of lives, as well as the crippling of the economy.

Blizzards mostly occur during winter in Indiana. In Indiana, winter is a period that has to come every year this is why it is necessary to gain better understanding of blizzards so that we do not have recurrent enormous losses from these disasters. It is also necessary to come up with ways though which every individual is capable of saving himself or herself when they occur.


Vulnerability, when it comes to blizzards is mostly non-selective. Everyone in the IUB at the time of occurrence of a blizzard is bound to be affected by it. The number one cause of death during a winter storm is heart attacks while shovelling .It is never too cold to snow. Snow can occur at any time when the temperature is near or below freezing. The rates of death in both the young and the old are very high because of cold during winter.

The population which is at risk of being affected by blizzards in the IUB is vast. The students, lecturers, as well as other workers at the University are susceptible to the negative effects of blizzards. There are also other people who live within the vicinity of the IUB, for example the families of workers in IUB. They too are predisposed to the effects of the blizzards.

Blizzards in the IUB have had a great impact on Operations. The effect of blizzards may call for the halting of certain activities which people normally engage in. for instance, roads become impassable, this means people will not go to work and students will not go to class. This has a negative impact on the economy because a majority of the economic activities are halted.

Blizzards also lead to serious interruptions of the operations of the University. Classes may have to be postponed or rescheduled which interferes with the normal completion durations. Otherwise students may have to be subjected to crash programs in order to complete the work that they were supposed to do. The loss of members of the faculty will also require that replacements should be brought in. This will affect the students in that they may be forced to carry forward some courses thus leading to the loss of time. Blizzards can kill people, cause traffic accidents, and bring cities to a halt. The rate of visibility when there is a blizzard is very low thus forcing people to stop so that they do not cause accidents.

Planning however enables the return to normal operations quickly. These plans may include; ensuring that several people are trained in a certain field so that in case someone has fallen ill there can be a replacement easily. Road clean ups can also be arranged for quickly so that people can go back to their normal activities.