The focus of your entries is on your reflections about the readings or learning activities that you work through each fortnight and/or pain assessment/management issues that you have experienced during this semesters prac (clinical placement).
The Reflective Log asks you to write 4 short reflections on what you have learned in working through the Study Guide for this unit. The focus of your entries is on your reflections about the readings or learning activities that you work through each fortnight and/or pain assessment/management issues that you have experienced during this semesters prac (clinical placement).
Each entry should use the 5Rs framework (details below) be no more than 200 words and focus on one issue (only) that you have selected from the previous fortnights readings/learning activities as it stood out to you in terms of personal interest importance and/or relevance for practice. Details regarding due date etc. are shown below.
Due date: Monday 2nd June 2014
Weighting: 20% of your overall grade for the unit
Word Count: 800 words total. no more than 200 words each reflection (4 reflections total.)
References: APA at least 4 references
Readings: There are some journal articles will upload. Please have a look at all the journal articles and some learning activities readings then write this assignment.
In documenting your reflections on key learning experiences in this unit you should include:
? cogently and succinctly described each key learning experience
? analysed each learning experience with reference to a range of theoretical concepts / principles
? summarised how each experience helped you to deepen your understanding of nursing practice and/or your professional capabilities
? provided a clear plan for applying this learning to your future practice
The focus of your reflections is on your thoughts about the readings OR learning activities that you have worked through each fortnight and/or pain assessment/management issues that you have experienced during this semesters prac. So you may wish to reflect on something you learnt in module 1 from module 2 you may be able to relate something you read to a practice issue you experienced on prac etc. Or you just reflect on each module and the most significant thing you have learnt from each. In each of these reflections you will use the 5 headings of the 5 R framework.
Structure of this assignment:
Module 1:Reflection 1 (no more than 200 words):
Focus one issue only should use the 5Rs framework (details below) Read the following excerpt and write the reflection about the readings then write an example that you have experienced during the clinical placement. The example must be relevant to pain management and nursing practice.
Reading the following excerpt which provides a broad overview of key aspects associated with understanding the phenomenon of pain its definition and the role of the nurse in its management.
Learning activity 1 Defining pain
Ersek M. & Irving G.A. (2012). Definitions and dimensions of pain. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd ed. (p. 127-128). Sydney: Mosby.
Learning activity 2 Physiological underpinnings of pain
Ersek M. & Irving GA. (2012). Pain mechanisms. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd. ed. (p. 129-133). Sydney: Mosby.
Learning activity 3 Types of pain
Ersek M. & Irving GA. (2012). Classification of pain. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd. ed. (p. 133-134). Sydney: Mosby.
Learning activity 4 Pain experience
Ersek M. & Irving GA. (2012). Cognitive affective behavioural and socio-cultural responses to pain. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd. ed. (p. 128-129). Sydney: Mosby.
Module 2: Reflection 2 (no more than 200 words):
Focus one issue only. should use the 5Rs framework (details below) Read the following excerpt and write the reflection about the readings then write an example that you have experienced during the clinical placement. The example must be relevant to pain management and nursing practice.
Learning activity 1 Principles of pain assessment
Ersek M. & Irving GA. (2012). Pain assessment. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd ed . (p. 134-139). Sydney: Mosby.
Learning activity 2 Influences on pain assessment
Bell L. & Duffy A. (2009). Pain assessment and management in surgical nursing: a literature review. British Journal of Nursing 18 (3) 153-156.
Wadensten B. Frjd C. Swenne CL. Gordh T. & Gunningberg L. (2011). Why is pain still not being assessed adequately? Results of a pain prevalence study in a university hospital in Sweden. Journal of Clinical Nursing 20 (5/6) 624-634
Learning activity 3 Documentation and pain assessment
Wickstrom K. Nordberg G. Bergh I. Johansson F. & Sjostrom B. (2008). Postoperative pain management the influence of surgical ward nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 2042-2050.
Module 3: Reflection 3 (no more than 200 words):
Focus one issue only. should use the 5Rs framework (details below) Read the following excerpt and write the reflection about the readings then write an example that you have experienced during the clinical placement .The example must be relevant to pain management and nursing practice.
Learning activity 1 Principles of pain management
Ersek M & Irving GA. (2012). Basic principles. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd. ed. (pp. 139-140). Sydney: Mosby
Learning activity 2 Non-pharmacological pain strategies
Ersek M. & Irving GA. (2012). Non-drug therapies for pain. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd. ed. (pp. 149-151). Sydney: Mosby.
Mac Lellan K. (2006). Management of pain Nelson Thornes Ltd.: Cheltenham Chapter 7 (pp. 109-114).
Helmrich S. Yates P. & Nash R. (2001). Factors influencing nurses decisions to use non-pharmacological therapies to manage patients pain. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 19(1) 27-35. Although this article was published in 2001 it remains one of the few pieces of (published) research in this field.
Kwekkeboom KL. Hau H. Wanta B.& Bumpus M. (2008). Patients perceptions of the effectiveness of guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation interventions used for cancer pain. Complementary Therapies In Clinical Practice 14 (3) 185-94.
Learning activity 3 Pharmacological pain strategies
Ersek M. & Irving GA. (2012). Drug therapy for pain. Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd. ed. Sydney: Mosby (pp. 140-142 144-146).
Mac Lellan K. (2006). Management of pain. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. (pp. 100-109).
Ersek M. & Irving GA. (2012). Drug therapy for pain. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd. ed. Sydney: Mosby (pp. 142-144).
Module 4: Reflection 4 (no more than 200 words):
Focus one issue only. should use the 5Rs framework (details below) Read the following excerpt and write the reflection about the readings then write an example that you have experienced during the clinical placement. The example must be relevant to pain management and nursing practice.
Learning activity 1 Children and pain
Twycross A. (2010). Managing pain in children: where to from here? Journal of Clinical Nursing 19 2090-2099.
Learning activity 2 Pain and the elderly
Ersek M. & Irving GA. (2012). Gerontological considerations. In Brown et al. (Eds). Lewiss Medical-Surgical Nursing 3rd. ed. (p. 54). Sydney: Mosby.
McLiesh P. Mungall D. & Wiechula R. (2009). Are we providing the best possible pain management for our elderly patients in the acute-care setting? International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 7 (3) 173-80.
van Herk R. van Dijk M. Biemold N. Tibboel D. Baar F. & de Wit R. (2009). Assessment of pain: can caregivers or relatives rate pain in nursing home residents? Journal of Clinical Nursing 18 (17) 2478-2485.
Learning activity 3 Pain management and palliative care
Ferrell B. & Paice J. (2008). Managing Pain in the Palliative Care Setting. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 12(4) 575-581.
Mehta A. Cohen S.R. Ezer H. Carnevale F. A. & Ducharme F. (2011). Striving to Respond to Palliative Care Patients Pain at Home: A Puzzle for Family Caregivers. Oncology Nursing Forum 38(1) E37-E45.
Smith P. Schofield P. Aveyard B & Black C. (2007). Controversies surrounding the management of pain in patients with terminal cancer. Journal of Community Nursing 21(10) 4 6 8.
Tips on writing a learning reflection:
How to write a reflection: The 5 Rs Framework: