1. The PPE use for fire investigator during a scene examination will be determined by:        the investigator’s preference.                                                                                                          the requirements of NFPA 921.                                                                                                       the type and level of hazard present.                                                                                             the level of experience of the investigator.

One method that can be used to prevent leaching of toxic substances through leather work gloves during the scene examination is:

avoiding moist locations.

selecting gloves made with impervious leather.

wearing Nitrile gloves underneath the work gloves.

treating the work gloves with a moisture proofing material.

What should the fire investigator do to reduce the potential of electric shock or the inadvertent release of fuel gas during the scene examination?

Review utility status with building occupant

Personally remove the electric and gas meters from the building

Avoid areas in the structure where these utilities might be located

Determine the location and status of all utilities prior to entering the building

What is the best method the fire investigator can use to verify that electrical wiring in a fire building is safe to examine?

Remove the electric meter from it’s base at the service entrance

meter to determine that the power is off

Have the power company cut the service drop

Open the main breaker in the panel board

The requirement of the employer to provide safe work environment for employees is found in:

Chapter 12 of NFPA 921.

Chapter 1 of NFPA 1500.

OSHA requirements in 29 CFR 1910.134.

The General Duty Clause in the Federal OSHA requirements.

The process of looking at the risks associated with work place is called:

risk management

the systems approach

site safety assessment

OSHA compliance evaluation

The OSHA requirements for respiratory protection are found in

29 CFR 1910.37

29 CFR 1910.119

29 CFR 1910.134

29 CFR 1910.156

OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 is called the HAZWOPER standard. For fire investigators it regulates:

operations in permit required confined spaces.

the need for second means of egress from the fire building.

Lock-out Tag-out procedures for energized machinery on the scene.

investigations where there is, or potential for,  release of hazardous materials.

When does the site safety assessment begin?

After check-in at the scene

Before the building is entered

Upon receipt of the assignment

Once the investigation team is assembled at the scene

Potential hazards associated with building construction include all of the following except:

holes in floors

structural collapse

Inhalation of hazardous chemicals

Stress related to heat and cold in structure

Which of the following is an example of engineering control used to protect fire investigator conducting scene investigation?

Positive pressure ventilation of a building

Wearing positive pressure SCBA during the investigation

4 gas monitor to evaluate air quality in the structure

PPE appropriate to the hazards identified in the scene assessment

Fire scenes that involve fatalities should be approached by the fire investigator as:

 biohazard risk.

inhalation hazard risk.

 hazardous materials site.

all other types of fire scenes

All of the following are potential routes of exposure to the fire investigator, EXCEPT:





Prior to respiratory protection device at fire scene the fire investigator should be:

HAZWOPER certified.

trained in confined space operations.

annually fit tested and medically evaluated.

annually trained in the use of air sampling equipment.

What kind of PPE that would protect against some injection hazards on fire scene would be:

Nitrile gloves.

disposable coveralls.

ANSI Z88.10 eye protection.

steel shank boots with puncture resistant soles.