The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical concepts
discussed in the course and your ability to apply the theory to practice. Choose a particular aspect of a culture related to a clinical encounter/experience you have had for instance middle East cultureIndiaAfrican Canadian and compare these aspects of culture to Canadian culture.

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical concepts
discussed in the course and your ability to apply the theory to practice. Choose a particular aspect of a culture related to a clinical encounter/experience you have had for instance middle East cultureIndiaAfrican Canadian and compare these aspects of culture to Canadian culture. There are several different elements that are critical to this assignment:
Description: Begin with a description of your chosen aspect of a culture related to your clinical
Reflection & Analysis: Analyze the chosen aspect/scenario/encounter from the emic (which refers to local indigenous or the insiders
Views and values about a phenomenon) as well the etic (which refers to outsiders or more universal views and values about a phenomena) or (outsiders and insiders perspectives). In your analysis include reflections from
your own experiences and views nursing science literature and concepts from the cultural
care framework.
Conclusions & Implications for practice: Conclude with the summary of the gaps: that exist
between perspectives and identify strategies for addressing the gap from a nursing
practice perspective.
The length of the paper is expected to be 5 pages not including title page and references.
In addition to the relevant ideas from the course textbook Trancultural concepts in nursing care 6th Ed by Margaret M.Andrews and Joyceen S.Boyle .and professional nursing associations. You must include at least 5 peer-review scholarly references not more than 3years that you located independent
Criteria in writing paper:
Substance: Sound ideas relate directly to your examination of the aspect of a culture in the scenario/encounter from both a personal and a scientific perspective; analysis and synthesis of ideas incorporating relevant course literature and course concepts.
Clarity: Includes introduction and conclusion; logical flow of ideas; precise use of language; appropriate APA format; grammatically correct sentences; no spelling errors; overall coherence.
Originality: Accurate meaningful and creative integration of information from relevant literature.
Scholarly Paper
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical concepts
discussed in the course and your ability to apply the theory to practice. Choose a particular aspect of a culture related to a clinical encounter/experience you have had for instance middle East cultureIndiaAfrican Canadian and compare these aspects of culture to Canadian culture. There are several different elements that are critical to this assignment:
Description: Begin with a description of your chosen aspect of a culture related to your clinical
Reflection & Analysis: Analyze the chosen aspect/scenario/encounter from the emic (which refers to local indigenous or the insiders
Views and values about a phenomenon) as well the etic (which refers to outsiders or more universal views and values about a phenomena) or (outsiders and insiders perspective). In your analysis include reflections from
your own experiences and views nursing science literature and concepts from the cultural
care framework.
Conclusions & Implications for practice: Conclude with the summary of the gaps: that exist
between perspectives and identify strategies for addressing the gap from a nursing
practice perspective.
The length of the paper is expected to be 5 pages not including title page and references.
In addition to the relevant ideas from the course textbook Trancultural concepts in nursing care 6th Ed by Margaret M.Andrews and JoyceenS.Boyle .and professional nursing associations. You must include at least 5 peer-review scholarly references not more than 3years that you located independent
Criteria in writing paper:
Substance: Sound ideas relate directly to your examination of the aspect of a culture in the scenario/encounter from both a personal and a scientific perspective; analysis and synthesis of ideas incorporating relevant course literature and course concepts.
Clarity: Includes introduction and conclusion; logical flow of ideas; precise use of language; appropriate APA format; grammatically correct sentences; no spelling errors; overall coherence.
Originality: Accurate meaningful and creative integration of information from relevant literature