This section is an extension of the Nature of the Study in Section 1. The first paragraph of the Nature of the Study section required a description and justification of the methodology.

This section is an extension of the Nature of the Study in Section 1. The first paragraph of the Nature of the Study section required a description and justification of the methodology. Here you will extend that conversation by providing more information and additional resources. Be sure to include at least three sources for each decision you make.
Research Design
This section is an extension of the Nature of the Study in Section 1. The second paragraph of the Nature of the Study section required a description and justification of the design. Here you will extend that conversation by providing more information and additional resources. Be sure to include at least three sources for each decision you make.
make sure you hit everything listed in this rubric Supports every decision with a minimum of three scholarly peer reviewed or seminal sources NOT OLDER THAN 2013 sources must be peer reviewed or seminal sources
I have also attached a few examples I have attached my draft in process.. please please pay attention
(2.4) Research Method: Expands on the discussion in Section 1.5 (Nature of the Study).a. Identifies the use of a specific research method by indicating whether the proposed study is quantitative qualitative or mixed methods.
b. Justifies the use of the research method over the other research methods.
c. Supports every decision with a minimum of three scholarly peer reviewed or seminal sources.
(2.5) Research Design: Expands on the discussion in Section 1.5 (Nature of the Study).a. Identifies the use of a specific research design.
b. Justifies the use of the research design over other key designs for the study.
c. For qualitative studies identifies how the student will ensure data saturation.
d. Supports every decision with a minimum of three scholarly peer reviewed or seminal sources.
Must follow the APA
Doi or url address must be giving on the reference page!! Please follow the APA 6thed format
Walden University
College of Management and Technology
This is to certify that the doctoral study by
Shannon Thomas
has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects
and that any and all revisions required by
the review committee have been made.
Review Committee
Dr. Patricia Fusch Committee Chairperson Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Dr. Alexandre Lazo Committee Member Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Dr. Patsy Kasen University Reviewer Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Chief Academic Officer
Eric Riedel Ph.D.
Walden University
Exploring Strategies for Retaining Information Technology Professionals: A Case Study
Shannon J. Thomas
MS Troy University 2006
BS Albany State University 1999
Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Business Administration
Walden University
January 2015
In the 21st century retaining information technology (IT) professionals is critical to a
companys productivity and overall success. Senior IT leaders need effective strategies to
retain skilled IT professionals. Guided by the general systems theory and the
transformational leadership theory the purpose of this qualitative exploratory case study
was to explore the retention strategies used by 2 senior IT leaders in Atlanta Georgia to
retain IT professionals. Semistructured interviews were employed to elicit detailed
narratives from these IT leaders on their experiences in retaining IT professionals. A
review of company documents as well as member-checking of initial interview
transcripts helped to bolster the trustworthiness of final interpretations. Those final
interpretations included 4 main themes: (a) job-related benefits and compensation; (b)
people-related approaches such as promotion rewards and recognition; (c) management
organizational and leadership essentials that include recruiting hiring and retaining
employees; and (d) barriers critical factors and ineffective strategies affecting the
retention of IT professionals. By implementing supportive management practice and
encouraging employees to embrace the organization culture company leaders can
succeed in retaining key IT staff. These findings may influence social change by
uncovering strategies to retain IT professionals within the company and help IT
professionals understand leaders retention strategies.
Exploring Strategies for Retaining Information Technology Professionals: A Case Study