What are things that a community or workplace can do to make the consumer think about their health?


Health Care Consumer: Trends and Marketing
Instructions: I rather hear about your experiences, experiences of others you know, opinions and ideas when answering the following questions. Must write up 100 to 150 word count.
1. Please tell me what an ACO is and if you think this is a successful model for the health care industry.
2. ACO is basically a network of care. Think of a spoked wheel. The patient is in the center. Each spoke represents a care for that patient. If you have a patient that went into the hospital for a new knee, for example, that patient may also be overweight, have diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis. Each spoke will be taking care of one or more of these areas, since the overall health of the patient requires all areas to be addressed. The patient’s weight is going to have a direct relationship on the weight bearing of the knee. The diabetes will have a direct bearing on how quickly the patient heals. The patient will not have tests done by one doctor, then the same test done by another, and each one prescribing something to counteract what the other prescribed. This is a common problem in health care today. The model makes the care coordinated. For the patient, it is a wonderful model. But today many doctors that are part of the ACO now want no part of it. Can anyone guess why?
3. How do you get consumers to think about their health before it becomes a necessity?
4. What are things that a community or workplace can do to make the consumer think about their health?
5. Are advances in technology and medicine enabling consumers to make healthy or unhealthy choices?
6. What does your community do to connect the residents to the local health care systems/facilities?
7. Compare three hospitals near your zip code (07090), (07052) and (07102) and read through the link https://www.medicare.gov/forms-help-and-resources/find-doctors-hospitals-and-facilities/quality-care-finder.html. Did you think the findings were invalid?
8. Confidence, knowledge, patience, and persistence are all key to being a successful salesperson. You would also have to develop the ability to convince a person that they need the item you are selling. It was amazing to hear how successful the salesman in the video was and how his biggest contract was originally at the bottom of his list. The business of selling is very tough and not everyone has the skill to do it. I think watching the progress of his 1 year journey is amazing. Confidence in your product helps to show you believe in it and gives them the chance to see it through your eyes. Changing their perception to identify with the product the same as you do or changing their attitude from something the consumer is comfortable with to a new way is essential in a competitive society. Thoughts?
9. Discuss the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JL0m_4HJB4 What are your thoughts?
10. Create a full marketing strategy for your client, a clinic that will soon open. Strategy: Open a Pediatric clinic that Targets: Parents and Children
Address the following:
• How might government agencies or regulations impact your product? What does your target audience need to know about this and how will you communicate it to them?
• How might health care reform affect your product? How will it affect your target audience? How will this affect how you market to them?
Create a presentation and deliver it as you would to your client. You may decide on the delivery style and presentation. 4-6 slides. Cite and reference and format in APA. Must include speaker notes!
Health Information System
Textbook for Reference:
Wager, K. A. (2013). Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management, 3e
Instructions: I rather hear about your experiences, experiences of others you know, opinions and ideas when answering the following questions. Must write up from 75 to 150 word count. CITE AND REFERENCE ALL WORK IN APA FORMATT!!
1. How are information systems currently being used in your organization, or a selected health care organization? How might web technology benefit your organization, or the selected organization, in the future?
2. What type of education and training does your organization, or a selected health care organization, currently use regarding health care technology? What type of education and training might be beneficial for the organization? Why?
3. Ch 10: identify and discuss the role of organizations that currently have a significant impact on the adoption of health care information standards in the United States.
4. Ch 10: Visit the ONC web site at http://www.dhhs.gov/healthit/onc/mission. Discuss the efforts of the ONC as they relate to the adoption of health care IT standards.
5. Ch 12: To be able to identify significant threats—internal, external, intentional, and unintentional—to the security of health care information.
6. Ch 12: give examples of administrative, physical, and technical security safeguards currently in use by health care organizations
7. Read “Mayo’s iPad study had 98 percent engagement among seniors”. Discuss your thoughts: http://mobihealthnews.com/28015/mayos-ipad-study-had-98-percent-engagement-among-seniors/
8. Review the Apps section under the Blue Button Connector section in the healthIT.gov website. Discuss your thoughts: http://bluebuttonconnector.healthit.gov/apps/
9. http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/99513671/role-nursing-informatics-promoting-quality-health-care-need-appropriate-education Discuss article
10. http://www.nursezone.com/nursing-news-events/devices-and-technology/five-key-trends-in-health-care-technology_33254.aspx Discuss article

11. Technology Trends Proposal Presentation: Imagine you have been selected to consult for a prestigious health care organization. Your ultimate goal is to develop a proposal to present to the board of the organization. At their last meeting, the board asked you to prepare a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of the health care delivered to organization members.
Resource: (See attached documents) Week Two Technology Trends Proposal Part l, Week Three Technology Trends Proposal Part ll and Week Four Technology Trends Proposal Part lll assignments.
Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to present to the board of the health care organization your findings and recommendations.
Use the content from the Technology Trends Proposal assignment in week’s 2-4 and research the educational and training needs for the selected technology to help you develop your presentation.
Discuss the following in your presentation:
• What are the types and uses of technology across the health care industry? What impact do they have?
• Which do you recommend for their organization? Why?
• What are the privacy risks and security safeguards of the selected technology?
• What strategies will be used to evaluate system effectiveness of the selected technology?
• What is management’s role in this technology initiative?
• What are the benefits of the selected technology that support quality initiatives?
• What are the educational and training needs for the use of the selected technology?
Provide detailed speaker notes in your presentation. Your notes must consist of complete sentences and paragraphs, and represent the words you would speak if you were giving an in-person presentation.

Technology Trends Proposal Part lll

Resource: Week Two Technology Trends Proposal Part l and Week Three Technology Trends Proposal Part ll assignments.
Research management’s role in the technology selected and the benefits of it that support the organization’s quality initiatives.
Write a 350-700 word summary describing the management’s role in the technology selected and the benefits of it that support the organization’s quality initiatives.
Cite at least two peer-reviewed references from the University Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
To clarify:
• Include a title page
• Include an introduction and a conclusion.
• Use section headings in accordance with APA standards for organization.
• Cite and reference at least two peer-reviewed articles in the paper.
• Develop in-text citations and references according to APA standards.
• Reference page must be formatted on APA format.

One of the most vital and integral parts of company’s business plan is the information technology; IT plays a crucial role in all sizes of business. In this regard technology management as a management discipline enables the organization to manage their technology and create a competitive advantage, especially in healthcare. The role played by the technology in an organization is to help comprehend the value of certain technology in the organization. So long as the value is being added to the company then the company should always strive to maintain continuous technology.
Additionally, the management’s role in the technology further includes taking the administrative role of mobile device management; this deals with deploying, monitoring, integrating, securing and managing the mobile device. For instance, according to the case study one of the latest technologies being incorporated by organizations today is Smartphone technology (Lu, 2012). This kind of technology without proper monitoring and the management failing to take the administrative role can have negative effects on the company.
Nevertheless, the management can put in place several strategies that are meant to evaluate the smartphone technology effectiveness. This approach would involve comparing the department that utilizes the use of smartphones to those that do not. This will help the management to know whether the use of smartphone technology is effective in the organization. The anticipation here is that the department that uses the smartphone technology yields better performance in the health care administration compared to those that do not. The intention of management taking a role in mobile device management is to optimize the security and functionality of the mobile device that are being used within the organization premises while at the same time offering protection to the corporate network (In Ordo?n?ez, et al. 2015).
The reason smartphone technology should be of concern to any manager is because hackers can use the employee’s smartphone to steal valuable information about the company. Moreover, a smartphone can be used to monitor the movement of a company employee thus the reason the management should take serious the issues of managing the mobile devices. Technology is important to any organization especially in the healthcare management and thus should be handled with caution.

In Ordo?n?ez, . P. P., In Tennyson, R. D., In Lytras, M. D., & IGI Global,. (2015). Assessing the role of mobile technologies and distance learning in higher education.
Lu, Z. (2012). Learning with mobile technologies, handheld devices, and smart phones: Innovative methods. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Technology Trends Proposal Part ll
Resource: Week Two Technology Trends Proposal Part l
Research the privacy risks, security safeguards, and strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the technology selected in you’re the Week Two Technology Trends Proposal Part l assignment.
Write a 350-700 word summary describing the privacy risks, security safeguards, and strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the technology selected in you’re the Week Two Technology Trends Proposal Part l assignment.
Cite at least two peer-reviewed references from the University Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
To clarify:
• Include a title page
• Include an introduction and a conclusion.
• Use section headings in accordance with APA standards for organization.
• Cite and reference at least two peer-reviewed articles in the paper.
• Develop in-text citations and references according to APA standards.
• Reference page must be formatted on APA format.

Smart phones have not yet been in existence for six years, but by now they are influencing the manner in which individuals operate. A few individuals which accounts for approximately 50% of citizens have smart phones, although several individuals have not yet started to understand what they are capable of, or how many the phones are expected to change the global world (Zheng, 2012).
How does all of this relate to healthcare?
Privacy Risks
One of the privacy risks includes loud people. A lot of people speak loudly when they are on a mobile phone. It is not infrequent to hear individuals conducting business and talking about tremendously private materials in restaurants, on buses or on the road. These persons have a major risk of being overheard. The second risk involves environmental microphones. A person’s telephone call can be controlled by another person who places a microphone in his room. The third risk involves intercepting the wireless link. The wireless link between the phone and the cell can be controlled by a third person (Zheng, 2012).
Digital links are less vulnerable to interception than analog associations; encrypted links provide superior security still. The other risk involves interception at the phone site. The cell sites offer a superlative location for controlling the communications of all persons who are utilizing it. The other risk involves interception at the telephone switch (Allen, 2013). Cell sites of a provider are linked by leased-lines to a telephone switch. Law enforcement agencies characteristically place court-ordered wiretaps at telephone switches.

Security Safeguards
The first security safeguard involves turning on the screen lock function on the phone device which is found in the phone’s settings menu (Zheng, 2012). One should remember to turn off GPS and Wi-Fi when they are not using them at a given time since they could be utilized by location-tracking applications to figure out where the individual is located. The most widespread threat is apps that surreptitiously bill a user’s credit card by sending a first-rate text message to a hacker. A lot of security apps are now aiding users to learn more concerning these pesky permission requirements (Allen, 2013). They can also block citizens from visiting fake websites or being scammed.
Strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the smart phone technology
There are several strategies that can be put in place to evaluate the effectiveness of smart phone technology (Zheng, 2012). The first approach involves comparing departments that use smart phone technology to those which do not use. The anticipation is that those that use smart phone technology will record a better performance as compared to those that do not use it. The other strategy involves the quantification of the turnover by the organizational departments that use smart phone technology which are expected to be higher than those that do not have (Allen, 2013). The other strategy involves evaluating the effects of smart phone technology on the users as well as the organizations. For instance, the instances of cyber attack using smart phones may negatively influence the organization’s processes.

The smart phone technology is the latest technology that is being incorporated by most organizations as well as individuals (Zheng, 2012). There are positive effects of smart phone technology as they facilitate faster services. However, they can lead to negative effects such as obsolescence.

Use peer-reviewed references and follow APA format.
Zheng, P., & Ni, L. M. (2012). Smart phone and next generation mobile computing. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Allen, K. (2013). Cell phone safety. Mankato, Minn: Capstone Press.

Technology Trends Proposal: Part I
Imagine you have been selected to consult for a prestigious health care organization. Your ultimate goal is to develop a proposal to present to the board of the organization. At their last meeting, the board asked you to prepare a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of the health care delivered to organization members.
Research various types, uses, and effects of technology across the health care industry.
Write a 350-700 word summary describing various types and uses of technology across the health care industry and their impact. Also, identify the technology trend you will recommend for the health care organization.
Cite at least two peer-reviewed references from the University Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
To clarify:
• Include a title page
• Include an introduction and a conclusion.
• Use section headings in accordance with APA standards for organization.
• Cite and reference at least two peer-reviewed articles in the paper.
• Develop in-text citations and references according to APA standards.
• Reference page must be formatted on APA format.

Health organizations should use modern health technologies in order to meet the standards due to competition and modernity in the market. As the world advance in technology the health sector should also make important steps by using the best and most appropriate types of technology in the health organizations. Technology plays a major and an important role in health care organizations. Technology helps providing the correct results thus reducing mistakes saves time, improving access and helps in containing costs. Therefore health organizations should use the most appropriate method of technology to provide quality and good services to patients.
Follow APA format by adding section headings to introduce each new topic. This will organize the paper more effectively.
Where are the APA-formated citations in this paper to support all of the information you have included? There is only one. Was this an oversight?
Future papers without citations will not be accepted for credit
There are several types of technology in the health organization this includes;
Smart phones, tablets and applications availability of tablets and smart phones has been a cultural shift to medical organizations as they have been used by physicians in hospitals and health organizations to provide important and correct information. The use of these gadgets is somehow disadvantageous as they might breach out patients information which may affect patients and brings bad reputation to the health organization.
Social media the use of social media like blogs, face book and twitter are important in reaching out to patients. Therefore health organizations should come up with a social media plan in order to creating dialogue and ensure analytical monitoring in order to find out how the health organization is being received. The use of social media is also disadvantageous as not every person might be using the social media the health organization uses.
Hybrid operating rooms this is a surgical environment that is used for open surgery they are very important to the health organizations as they saves time and space in performing surgeons. They are also disadvantageous as they cost a lot of money to construct them and many hospitals do not have the required amount to construct them.
An electronic health record is a type of technology that is used to keep patients’ information safe and easy to access. Patient information is very essential therefore the use of electronic health records will be an added advantage to the organization as the use of the technology will help to reduce medical errors by health physician; patients will also be given the right information about their health issues. Electronic health record also saves time as patients being in a different place can access their medical history at different health organizations and different physicians thus making it appropriate for the physician to give the right medication to a patient as they will have their correct medical history. Louise Simmers (2014) Citations must follow APA format. states that health care costs could rise to level that could prohibit providing services to all individuals. However every one has a right to access health care regardless of the ability to pay. As a result health care should make sure they provide the best in terms of medication to patients.
Health sector is a crucial and very important institution in the organization. Health organization should make sure they produce the best in terms of quality services to patients. To produce quality services, correct results and reducing errors, health organization should use the modern technology in order to be competitive in the market where technology has really advanced. It is the duty of the health organization to produce the best and quality services to patient therefore health sectors should deliver the best every time and always.
Which ONE technology trend do you recommend
If you have used all of these references, there should be in-text citations to match them. There is only one. Was this an oversight?
Drummond, M. F. (2007). Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. Oxford [u.a.: Oxford Univ. Press.
Morse, J. M. (2012). Qualitative health research: Creating a new discipline. Walnut Creek, Calif: Left Coast Press.
Simmers, L. (2004). Health science career exploration. Australia: Delmar Learning.