What examples of Practice habits do you notice in your own practice setting? (NOTE: these practice habits are not the primary focus of the paper, just use as an illustration for the further synthesis of your paper).


Guidelines: Joint Commission-National Patient Safety Goals
Assignment: Write a 3-5 page APA paper on the Joint Commission Critical Access Hospital and Hospital National Patient Safety Goals as follows:
1. Open and read the Nursing Care Center (under ‘ NPSG Program Links’ (National Patient Safety Goals), based on The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Mission and goals, found at this link: Joint commission.org/Patient Safety
2. Link again to the (Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals), page. Choose an area of interest from the following any of Healthcare Programs listed under National Patient Safety Goals
Healthcare areas of interest:
Ambulatory Health Care
Behavioral Health Care
Critical Access Hospital
Home Care
Long Term Care & Medicare/Medicaid Certification-Based Long Term Care
Office-Based Surgery
Choose TWO of the NPSG goals listed under your selected area of interest to address in the paper. Be sure to identify each NPSG and which area of focus or objective under each NPSG you will be discussing

4. Search the e-library databases and literature for scholarly literature/articles on why this is an important goal. (2 articles per goal).

(Here is an example of area of interest, one goal, and two scholarly articles:
Area of Interest: Behavioral Health Care. NPSG.01.01.01 Goal 1: Improve the accuracy of patient identification Link here for an example of a scholarly article that supports why this is an important patient safety goal: Error identification and recovery.pdf and Patient Identification.pdf
5. For each Goal (1 & 2) that you’ve chosen),
Provide specific examples of why this has been a problem in the practice setting.
Discuss if you believe this goal is realistic.
Identify obstacles that impede implementation and identify actions that will facilitate implementation.
What examples of Practice habits do you notice in your own practice setting? (NOTE: these practice habits are not the primary focus of the paper, just use as an illustration for the further synthesis of your paper).
Make sure you write a brief introduction to your paper (i.e. what is joint commission’s purpose and the area and goals you will focus on)
Use APA title page, running head; headings (use different level of headings to increase the professional appearance and improve the flow of your paper), spacing, grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, citations, and reference page (notice that APA formatting is worth 20, yes 20 points. So make sure your PERLLA is set; or you have your APA 6th edition book handy).
You will have at least 5 references: 2 articles for each of the 2 goals (4 references) AND (1) the Joint Commission web address. You may use more if you want.
Grading Rubric

Grading criteria

Introduction (to Joint Commission and your 2 goals) Include NPSG # and specific goals your paper will be addressing (10 points)
NPSG Goal 1: Search literature for why it is important to have this goal and provide specific examples of why this has been a problem in the practice setting (15)
Discuss if you believe this goal is realistic. (5)
Identify obstacles that impede implementation and identify actions that will facilitate implementation (15)

NPSG Goal 2: Search literature for why it is important to have this goal and provide specific examples of why this has been a problem in the practice setting (15)
Discuss if you believe this goal is realistic. (5)
Identify obstacles that impede implementation and identify actions that will facilitate implementation (15)

Title page, introduction paragraph, summary and conclusion paragraphs, and reference page. (-1 point each)
Use of headings (-5)
Spelling, grammar, and paragraph and sentence structure; transitional sentences (-1 point each)
Total Points

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