Who is your community?

I need Ottawa charter, jkarta declaration, CHNAC standard, Watson’s human caring theory, WHO, CNA standard which is crucial for this paper(as caring, Health promotion,empowerment,upstream approch,review of ottawa charter,jkarta,WHO,CNO standard are theme of our course).

This is community paper non-medical model. I need In-text references in each paragraph. need definition of community. check nursing home’s website to get statistic data Include windshield survey, interviewing, walking through tour etc. for assessment of community. I am sending you really good reference which are essential for this paper, these will tell you how can assess your community. To make a good paper I am sending you a structure so you can follow it point by point., make sure you follow this structure point by point. Community Assessment/Consultation Criteria Focus Questions Opportunities for Critical appraisal Identification of the community (Define your community) Who is your community?

What have you come to understand about the lived experience of your community and how this relates to course themes and concepts? Describe social, environmental, economical, political, educational influences (so that later in your paper you can discuss how any of these factors impede on their health or serve as resources for them) Social determinants What did you think about the community before building a relationship? Discuss the process of being with your aggregate/community—your group’s participation with the community Assess the physical, environmental, ethnic, economic, social and educational make-up of the community so that later in your paper you can critique how these factors would play an influence in the exacerbation of health problems.

Be clear and specific about the community you are assessing What does the physical environment look like and what evidences about the environment would exacerbate this issue? Define the community’s health needs What are the health issues that affect your community?

What are the challenges/ barriers to health and justice? Discuss the issue of victim blaming if appropriate for your community If the community has limited life experiences, how does this impede on their health, choices and decision making. What needs to be done? Need to comment on how these factors may interrelate so that you can identify other underlying factors. This is a way to show critical thinking/assessment. Identified factors that influenced /impact the vulnerability of the group Identify tools for assessment and data collection How specifically did you collect the information about your aggregate? Identify how the tools were used, why these specific tools were used. Who gave you information and why did you choose these individuals? Prioritize health needs- Think upstream What prerequisites to health/ social determinants to health are protected and/or impinged upon for this community?

What needs to change? Based on the health issues identified, what are the main ones that need to be addressed and how? What are the resources available to your community that can be tapped into to promote their health? Demonstrate evidences for prioritizing the health needs of the community. Look upstream—what exactly is causing this behavior? E.g. For teen with drug use, look at their social activities. Is it their social network and activities? Why and how would you address this? Identification of objectives Based on what you have learned about the community, what aspects do you need to address?

What are your goals and objectives? Who determines the objective and how? Who should work to address the issues and how should they approach this? Present evidences of the deliberation/rationalization of your objectives. Resource identification What are the existing resources that you can use to help promote the health of this community? How can you use the resources to identify your goals/objectives? Based on what is already available, what else needs to be done? Strategies for promoting the community’s health Based on the priority health needs identified, the resources available and keeping in mind the barriers, what strategies need to be undertaken with your community?—Think about the use of the Ottawa charter’s 5 strategies What political advocacy is required is required for this community to enjoy health? Who needs to be involved in deciding and implementing the strategies How were the strategies identified? Please give rational for your choice of health promotion strategies. Would this be done through current resources that are available and the key stakeholders identified? How would these strategies be implemented? Remember, in order to identify the strategies it is important to first identify the problem—why exactly does the problem exist?

What needs to be done?

UPSTREAM THINKING How do you make the strategies unique to your community so that you can get their attention and how would you ensure receptivity from the community? How do you ensure community participation in your strategy implementation? You have identified some important challenges. Based on the challenges you observed, determine your objective and actions to be taken—assess why these challenges and what needs to be done. The role of the nurse in enhancing the health of this community How would your community agency use the strategies to enhance the health and well-being of your community?

How have you come to understand the role of the community health nurse on account of this community and how can these roles be enacted to promote the health of your community? Outline the learning that occurred for you. How were you affected by this experience of interfacing with the community? What was your learning curve like? When did you start to make the connection? What did you learn about yourself that you didn’t know before? (address those light bulb moments) Relate this learning to Watson’s theory.