Write a paper on a nursing theory or practice model of your choice and how you will apply the theory/practice model in you clinical nursing practice.

Write a paper on a nursing theory or practice model of your choice and how you will apply the theory/practice model in you clinical nursing practice. The purpose of this paper is for you demonstrate your ability to analyze and apply your leaning about nursing theory/practice models health promotion and primary health care principles in the care of adults experiencing an acute or chronic alteration in health. This paper will be foundation for an assignment in Nursing 401 clinical practicum.
Assignment 3 Guidelines
?Introduce the nursing theory/practice model and the author. Provide a brief overview of the theory/practice model.
?Describe the theory/practice model including the purpose underlying assumptions primary concepts and the theory/practice model structure. Include a diagram of the theory/practice model if applicable.
?In your description include how the theory/practice model addresses the concepts of person environment health and nursing.
?Explain what made you select this particular theory/practice model. Does it match with you personal philosophy of nursing? What do you perceive to be strengths of the theory/practice model?
?Evaluate how the theory/practice model encompasses the nursing process. Analyze and explain how you will apply the theory/practice model during assessment diagnosis planning implementing and evaluating patient care.
?Explain how the theory/practice model addresses health promotion and primary health care principles. If health promotion and primary health care principles are not addressed in the theory explain how you will incorporate these into your clinical practice while using the theory/practice model as a foundation for your clinical practice.
?Analyze and explain what you perceive to be gaps or difficulties in the application of the theory/practice model. If you identify any gaps explain how you will address these when applying the theory/practice model in your clinical practice.
?Conclude your paper by summarizing the theory/practice model strengths weaknesses or gaps and your perceptions about the application of the theory/practice model in the care of adults and their families experiencing acute or chronic alterations in health.
?Support your analysis and discussion with a minimum of three scholarly references. You may use the references from your annotated bibliographies in Assignment 2.
?Use APA (6th edition) format for citing references and the reference list.
?Double-space your paper and use at least a 12-point font. Include page numbers and topic headings in your paper.
?You should be able to meet these assignment requirements in a maximum of 2500 words (approximately 10 pages with a 12 point font) excluding title and references pages. Include a word count at the end of your paper.
?Submit your paper to your course tutor when you have completed it through the Assessment section. The due date for this paper is negotiable between you and your tutor though the paper must be completed prior to starting N401 and prior to the completion of N400.
I will like you to write on Jean Watson theory of (HUMAN CARING) that is my chosen nursing theory.
I will like you to write on jean Watson theory because it is the nursing theory that support my nursing philosophy.
I will like the paper to be strictly 6th Edition APA Format
All articles need to be withing 5-6 years and has to be acccesible by me .
I will need a pdf of all the articles cited in my paper
I wll appreciate if you follow all the set guidlines strictly.
Will need copy of all the aricles cited i dont want artcles that need prescription beacuse i want to make sure that all the aricles cited do thruly exit.
Schorlarly format and articles please.
If you need any more information on my paper do not hesitate to email me.
I will appreciate if this paper is written well from the onset so that i do not have to go back and for ammendments please and thank you.
Will need a copy of all the articles cited .