- Week 2 Assignment – Employability Skills and the Future of Work
Make sure to read the detailed instructions (pay special attention to the Microsoft Word template you will be using to organize your assignment) and the scoring guide (rubric) for the Week 2 Assignment – Employability Skills and the Future of Work.To submit your assignment, please go to the Week 2 Assignment in Blackboard by clicking the Week 2 Assignment link above.Course: WRK100: Preparing for the Future of WorkWeek 2 Assignment: Employability Skills and the Future of WorkDue: Week 2 - What to submit/deliverables: Word document that contains a completed Week 2 Assignment Template.What is the value of doing this assignment? In this assignment, you will have an opportunity to practice communicating the value and impact of three of the 10 Skills. You will build greater self and social awareness as you consider which skills reflect your existing strengths and the value of those skills in different contexts. Examining these skills can help you better see how to leverage skills you already have in your professional and personal pursuits. Additionally, clearly communicating why these skills are of value will increase your chances of success in showcasing your strengths in future interviews. You will be more likely to land new opportunities and set the stage for additional opportunities in the future as well as future-proof yourself against a changing landscape of work that will include automation, new ways of working, and new career fields.Your goal for this assignment is to: Describe the importance and impact of key competencies and behaviors that are necessary for success in the future of work.Steps to complete: In Week 2, complete and submit your assignment using the following steps:STEP 1: Review the Skill Definition Table to help you select the two skills you will be writing about in addition to the self and social awareness skill. This table will also help you to accurately describe each of the three skills you will be writing about.STEP 2: Using the Week 2 Assignment Template, complete the sections for the self and social awareness skill using your own words. Do not copy and paste from the Skill Definition Table or from any other source. Make sure you write at least three sentences in which you address the following from the template:
- Skill description
Importance to the future of work
Example of how this skill can make you valuable to a potential employer
STEP 3: Repeat Step 2 for each of the other two skills you have chosen. You should have written at least three sentences for each skill, for a total of nine sentences minimum. It is important to write in your own words and not copy and paste from the Skill Definition Table or from any other source.
STEP 4: Save the template with your completed responses as a Word file titled Your Name, WRK100_Week 2 Assignment Future of Work and submit it in Blackboard in Week 2.
To help make sure you are properly citing your sources, please review Strayer Writing Standards.
View Dr. Nicole’s video below for an overview of this assignment, and find more assignment resources on the “Help from Dr. Nicole” link on the left menu.
Skill Definition Table
SELF AND SOCIAL AWARENESS Definition: Understanding your personal strengths and limitations; recognizing your thoughts, emotions, and intentions; being open to receiving feedback; and identifying how your behaviors impact others. Why it Matters for the Future of Work: Self awareness can help you find the right career for you, know when its time to leave your current job, and make you a stronger leader. (Swerdlow, 5) TECHNOLOGY Definition: Being able to confidently and effectively use technology to be productive, complete goals and tasks, and maintain a competitive advantage. Why it Matters for the Future of Work: 78% of todays jobs require familiarity with technology, and digitally intensive jobs are growing faster and pay more than non-digital roles. (Southern New Hampshire University, 6) PRODUCTIVITY Definition: Strategizing, organizing, and effectively managing your time and priorities. Why it Matters for the Future of Work: High performers can be up to 800 percent more productive than other workers, drastically cutting down the time and money needed to complete large tasks – something managers always value. (Keller, 7)
INITIATIVE Definition: Thinking independently, seeing what needs to be done, and taking action without being prompted. Why it Matters for the Future of Work: Initiative has become more important in modern workplaces, as employers rely on people who have the courage to push their teams forward. (Mind Tools, 8) RESULTS DRIVEN Definition: Acting with a sense of urgency and focus to reach goals, without compromising integrity or quality. Why it Matters for the Future of Work: As companies use more freelancers, they need those workers to be results-driven so projects stay on track. (Do, 9) COMMUNICATION Definition: Actively seeking and delivering information, clearly articulating ideas, effectively listening, and confidently connecting to various audiences, settings, and situations. Why it Matters for the Future of Work: Communication is one of the top five skills that will be important in the future across all industries and that employers currently find lacking. (Gilchrist, 10) RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Definition: Effectively working with others and establishing, cultivating, and leveraging networks.