You are working as a registered nurse in a surgical ward, buddied with a nursing student, Mustafa. You are assigned to care for Mr. Perry, who was admitted for diverticulitis. You note that Mr. Perry is prescribed Metronidazole (Flagyl) as part of his management. Mustafa Asks you if you could explain the mechanism of action of Metronidazole (Flagyl) to him. Mr Perry is due for discharge and prescribed oral antibiotics for further three days. He informs you that he will keep any unused antibiotics just in case the problem recurs. Explain to Mr. Perry about the duration of taking the prescribed medications, and why he needs to consult his doctor, in case of infection recurrence. Choose one drug that you have learned to this date in this subject. Provide the generic name of that drug and the class. What is the mechanism of action that resulted in that specific therapeutic effect?