Surveillance Measures in Epidemiology

Epidemiology has a variety of sub-disciplines. Each of these sub-disciplines has different measures they use to determine the severity or communicability of various diseases. The two classic measures are incidence and prevalence. However, there are other measures of disease measurement, which can include:



Cumulative Incidence

Incidence Density

Incidence Rate


Period Prevalence

Point Prevalence


Case Fatality Rate 

Proportionate Mortality Rate

Age Specific Death Rate

Age-Adjusted Rate

Direct Age Adjustment

Indirect Age Adjustment

Years of Potential Life Lost

Outbreak Specific Calculations

R0 (R naught or Reproductive Ratio)

Attack Rate (usually used for foodborne pathogens)

Secondary Attack Rate (used for any communicable disease to describe the percentage of secondary cases)


In this discussion, you will select top 3 diseases in the U.S. and explain each on of them with minimum of 500 words each. You will need to search the Morbidity and Mortality Week ReportEmerging Infectious Disease JournalPreventing Chronic Diseases Journal.