
 Section 1: How You Have Changed Throughout the Course (2-3 pages)This section should focusing on how you have changed throughout the course by drawing connections to the readings, lessons, and assignments to explain and explore the ways you have developed....


  Post a response to the following: Identify the significant events that shaped the social welfare policies and programs of your chosen time period. Explain two to three values reflected during this time period as discussed in the assigned resources and compare...


 Provide an example of some form of misrepresentation in media over the years (includes: staging news, re-creations, selective editing, and fictional methods). Give some background for context and answer; why, in your opinion is this an example of...

see the description

  Pretend you need to analyze solutions that contain variable kinds and amounts of amino acids ( not whole proteins or peptides ). To do this analysis , you need a practical method that can separate and quantitatively detect all twenty fundamental –...

Epidemiological Tools

Epidemiological ToolsThere are a variety of tools that an epidemiologist might have at his or her disposal. The most common tools that are used in the field are SAS, SPSS, EpiInfo, R, and many others. These require significant time and diligence to become proficient...

Surveillance measures in Epidemiology

Surveillance Measures in EpidemiologyEpidemiology has a variety of sub-disciplines. Each of these sub-disciplines has different measures they use to determine the severity or communicability of various diseases. The two classic measures are incidence and...