Writting assignment

 Write a fully developed (2-3 page) assignment on of the following topic. You are not required to use outside sources, but you may do so if you choose. If you do use outside sources, you must cite and document properly according to MLA...

Critical Thinking

Discuss the roles that modern architecture of the Americas have played in the liberation from colonialism and/or dependence on imported ideas and values. To support your answer, discuss three works. Select one work from each of the following periods: 1960s-1970s,...

Individual Group Evaluation

Write the names of your group members in the text box. Copy the list or criteria below and paste it for each group member, including yourself. Then, assign yourself a value (0-10) for each criteria with 1-2 sentences explaining the score, and a total score under that...

Literature Review

Topic: How does neighborhood perceptions of safety in the Bronx differs across gender/racial/ethnic groups?Page count 5-610 scholarly sources Look for scholarly articles that focus on neighborhood perception of safety. APA citationI DO NOT WANT A SUMMRY...


  Aspects of your life. This should be an event that occurred at a specific point in time, such as a single day, week, or moment, not something that took place over months or years. Make sure you’re focusing on concrete effects that you experienced...